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+47 votes
Why does the Western world, despite its wealth, have the highest suicide rate?
by (4.2k points)

8 Answers

+92 votes
Best answer
More money doesn't mean happier. It means more problems. The higher suicide rate is understandable.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
The USA is a country of fantasy, racism, greed, glutony, mental/physical abuse and general excess. They look to others to make them happy because despite the wealth they do not generally know what it is to happy inside.. . Most walk around like zoombies and if you try to have a normal conversation with someone (as you would in most foreign countries) they stare at you expressionlessly.. . . This is the punishment for their arrogance and for voting for Bush. Now they are even worse off, pretending he's a smart successful president as he fuk them harder and harder.
by (4.5k points)
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by (4.2k points)
0 votes
If you had all the money you wanted or ever needed, you'd also not have anything else to look forward to. You'd be paranoid that everyone wanted to take something from you and could trust no one, and thats where the depression and lonliness come in. Of coure, if they wanted a little more peace and contentment in their lives, they could start giving some of it away making others happy and in return, themselves as well.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Because money is not the answer; never has been, never will be. If you're not happy with yourself on the inside, nothing on the outside is going to make it better. I'm not endorsing any particular religion, here, but I do think a true, deep spirituality is the key to being happy in and of oneself. You can be destitute and have that, and filthy stinking rich and not have it. It's all about what you make your priority.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
suicide rates in third world countries are not properly recorded.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
couple of reasons. 1- sometimes the parents are so consumed with wealth they neglect the kids or miss signs. 2- people who do not have the wealth and feel the pressure to have it might kill themselves. 3- The west in a sense has made it a possible choice for people- they see it happening and think why not. 4- The images of what you should say, do , be and look like in the us and Canada can sometimes be overwhelming. 5- The pressure of not being yourself and pretending is an important part of today's culture. 6- The sizes of classrooms allow troublesome kids to neglected and more signs are missed. 7- Divorce rate is crazy here and effects the kids and man or women. 8- anti depression pills are pushed out like candy and Sometimes do the opposite of what they are meant for.. 9- the image that people lives are perfect and so thats means your life sucks can be a big factor even thou it is the perfect life people that are faking and can kill themselves due to the stress BUT do not forget the person who life is not perfect kills themselve because they can not reach this goal.. . It is a neverending circle!
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
Because honestly, people have replaced true human love with things such as money and possesions and they think that wealth can buy it. You've heard of gold diggers and sugar daddies right? But deep down those people aren't happy, they think that these things such as money, power and fame can buy the love, joy and peace that only God through Jesus can provide. You should hear about the suicide and drug rate in the Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf with all that money from the black gold that's pumped out of the sand. The money pouring in Kwuait and other area gulf countries from the export of oil/petroleum make princes into addicts daily. They are not happy. Islam ain't doing nothing because money replaced Islam. Sad but true.
by (4.4k points)