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+87 votes
Is it fair to say that Iran should have the same right to defend itself as Israel does?
by (4.1k points)

16 Answers

+9 votes
Best answer
Iran is not talking for its defense. Iran is talking about attacking.. . Attacking and defending are 2 different words and have different meanings, Blackman!
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
defending itself is one thing but being a threat is another there lies the difference, since it is everyones knwoledge that Iran intend to use their nuclear arsenal in elimination of another nation(Israel).
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Hello dear!. Well, every nation should stop thinking of their defense because we could develop Peace all over the world.. Nobody will seek for the neighbor's land, resources and rights.. Then, we have that Iran has a religion we hate. . We have the correct religion.. Israel has a religion that created both, Iran's and our religion. Thus, Israel has the right to govern us and Iran, why doesn't Iran obey to that?. After everyone accept the one ruler, peace and the ruler will govern!. Of course, the problem is not Iran, Iraq, Afganistan, Nepal, Korea, Ex-Soviet Union, Serbia, Vietnam, etc., etc., but China who do not have a relion interfering with their government (is it why the Catholic Church excommunicated the Chinese Catholic Church?).
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Because Iran is insisting it has the right to proceed in the pursuit of nuclear weapons. Granted they can;t launch the at us but if we let them they can launch them at at Israel. Bottom line we used the "Bomb" on Japan, It saved Many lives but we learn ed that No one should use it again.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Well people aren't rational always...that's why.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
AS long as some nations own the nuclear weapons (12 nations) it is the right for any other nation to have it. If big powers are realy keen about international peace, then they have to call for nuclear disarm that includes America, Israel and Iran and others.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
It doesn't tell me much, as we don't have much of an issue with Iran at the moment. Yes, they are probably the next country to get G.W. Bushwacked, but on the whole there isn't much going on.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
in the real world there nothing called fair, so if any country interest that Israel should have nucs so it'll be her right of Steffen's and if this will be against my interest the same case will be against the international law and should be punished and vice vera ...
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Let's be clear. Iran nuclear experiments are conducted to generate electricity. Iran May only nead nuclear weapon as a diplomatic power. Iran will never even think to use nuclear weapons, even against Israel. U see, this will mean wipingout the palestinien people too, and destoying jerusalem which is highly improbable. Now let's see:. The americans have created the nuclear bomb, and have used it twice, so they must suffer the consequences. We all know that Israel has nuclear power, and one day she'll use them against the americans, yes against you people. Israel has one objects in mind: "Total domination". The american governement is controlled by the Israelien lobby, and the american citizens are dumb enough to enjoy seeing terrorists attacking them. Now let's think for a moment:. what would have happened if there were no jews at all ??. The answer is pretty clear: . there would have been no world wars, no gulf war, no terrorists, no iran nuclear crises, no 1000th of soldiers killed in iraq nor afghanistan, no bil laden, no zarkawy, no 11-9, no unemployement in America.. Wash you brains people, Israel is sucking you blood and u don't know it!. We defended ourselves, we defend our selves, and we'll continue defending ourselves.!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Does it bother you that Iran has made known it's wish to wipe Israel off of the map? Do you think it is a good idea for a nation that wants another nation wiped off of the map to have nuclear weapons? Last time I checked Israel hasn't said that Iran should be wiped off of the map. Use common sense. Insane people shouldn't have nuclear weapons.
by (4.4k points)