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+74 votes
What is the predominant color that represents New Zealand?
by (4.2k points)

3 Answers

+121 votes
Best answer
I grew up in NZ, (very beautiful place). The first thing everyone marvels at if they land there in daylight, is the exquisite contrast of the incredibly deep blue sea and the deep green landscape.. The typically followed NZ colours, though, are black and white ( just look at the world famous rugby team the 'All Blacks') also black, white and red, and (less so) blue and the green of 'greenstone' which are the traditional colours of heirachy, adornment and decoration of the native Maori people.
by (4.7k points)
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0 votes
green and verry verrrry sheep-ish :o)
by (4.1k points)
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by (4.1k points)