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+49 votes
Why does my cat hide and how can I stop her from doing it?
by (4.3k points)

10 Answers

+86 votes
Best answer
She is scared... new surroundings. new sounds, new smells.. I just brought home a ferral one in Novemeber and now he is prince of the house. give it several weeks lots of patience and a bit of ignoring(don't try to hunt her down) go about your normal routine and she will become more and more visible and eventually plauful and affectionate.
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
your kitten is in a new surrounding and needs to feel comfortable with his/her surroundings. I had a cat once that I got from the pound. FOr the first 3 months he would hide in the garage, nobody could get near him. He had been abused by whomever had him. NOw he sleeps with me and plays with my little dog, part of the family. THings will work out, just give him/her time to get use to you
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
First of all confine kitty in a room which most likely would be the bathroom. Have a litterbox set up for her and give her food and water in this room. It would not hurt for you to come into the room, brush her fur and pet her. You may also talk to your cat and be careful of the tone in your voice. You would not want to scare her. After a weeks time, she will then be ready to explore other rooms.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Yes be patient it is all new to her and make sure she knows where the litter box and food is. She will come out don't worry she is just a baby and every thing is new
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Be patient, she'll come out when she gets hungry.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
some cats r like that also she will lighten up put a little food n water in every room n a litter box in at lest 3
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Stop shooting and put down the gun...
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
It is a totally new environment,and new people for her. I agree with the man who said be patient with her. Just make sure you have good clean water,and keep dry food for her all the time.I only feed my cats canned once a day. It is not too good to give them too much canned food,better for their teeth to have the solid food. Just call her,and be patient with her. When my son,and his children stayed with us for a month my female cats stayed hid out in the garage. As soon as they moved out,the girls came back out. It just takes them time to adjust to a new environment. I hope you have another cat,or dog to keep her company when your gone. All animals do better,and eat better when they have a companion. She sounds like a lovely cat.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I'd let her hide until she gets use to the place. She's just scared.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Keep looking for her, she must be around somewhere. They're usually in the place you would never think to look... Offer something tempting like tuna or lunch meat. If you can catch her, put her (and her supplies) in one small room such as a bathroom, and spend time with her in there until she calms down. Remember she has just been moved into a strange environment and doesn't understand what is happening. Imagine a small child who speaks another language suddenly being put in a home she's not familiar with. She has no idea of what is happening, and no one can explain it to her. Best of luck,. ~Rachel
by (4.4k points)