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+51 votes
Explain two instances demonstrating religion's impact on societal transformation
by (4.1k points)

8 Answers

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RC missionaries set up schools in countries all around the world lifting educational standards.. . Spiritualism, working with the Suffragettes, in the 1800s changed the status of women in society.
by (4.4k points)
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During the Crusades, religious people slaughtered millions of people and damaged society quite a bit. Religion continues to hinder human development and keeps us tied to archiac and ridiculous laws.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
#1 In the early 1900 in an act mandated by congress, native American children were forcibly taken from their parents and enrolled in Christian schools where they were forced to become Christians and speak English and were punished for speaking their native tongues or practicing the traditions of their respective tribes.. . #2 "The Crusades"
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Christian missionaries in sub-Saharan Africa. There is unlimited amounts of info on this.. . The Vatican and its refusal to promote contraception. This is a relevant topic. Tons of newspaper articles on this.
by (4.5k points)
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Are you talking court cases or just cases in general happenings? . . Try Roe v. Wade. Religion (Catholic Social Teachings) on this issue is on the side of Pro Life and fight against abortion, fighting for the God given right to life for all from the moment of conception. Then there's the case of Terry Schindler Schiavo and the issue of euthanasia, etc. Catholic Solial teaching on this issue is that life is sacred and should be protected from the moment of conception to the natural death. To one answerer who stated the Vatican refuses to promote contraception..that is not the truth..the Catholic Church wholeheartedly endorses Natural Family Planning, and refuses to accept artifical contraception which is abortion. Taking the pill or other artificial contraception prevents the fertilized egg to attach to the uteran wall which causes death to the embryo.
by (4.3k points)
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The Reformation of the 1500"s brought great social upheaval as various countries and areas changed with the leadership. If the ruler was Catholic His domain was Catholic and the same for Protestant. . The "Great Experiment" The government of the USA. It was founded on religious principles. So we have the separation of powers and the Bill of Rights. Quite a change from the English King. Both the Pilgrims and the Puritans had a great influence on the founding of this country.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
uncivilized people not wearing clothes --- introduced and accept religion and they start wearing clothes.. . church set morals forth to the people long ago --- vast majority of women kept themselves virgins until married.
by (4.2k points)
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This might be of interest:. . Without the christian Bible and Catholic Church, which, struck by the loss of civility across whole nations during the Dark Ages, instituted formal places of learning prior to the 12th century AD century AD in order to teach people once again how to "live Godly, moral, uplifting lives", we would probably not have Western formal education as we know it. . . Most of the western world's most prestigious institutions of higher learning had their beginnings as similar religious educational institutions: Harvard, Oxford, Yale, and many others.. . It was precisely the fruits of this kind of higher learning of the scriptures (the Latin Vulgate version) that inspired Martin Luther's stand against the abuses of the Catholic church of his day.. . Which continued later through the heroic efforts of people like William Tyndale and others to translate the Bible into the common man's language. Even though Tyndale, Wycliffe and others were burned at the stake for translating the scriptures into English, the Geneva bible, the later King James version of 1611 are both 80-85% verbatim Tyndale's wording. No other human being on earch has shaped the English language more than William Tyndale, and it was all because of his passion (and many others) to make the teachings christian Bible accessible to the common people. Shakespeare's study of the Bible during his formative years played a direct role in the colorfulness of his linquistic style.. . Later on, the founding fathers of the USA struck out to form a new type of government never before seen on earth, defined exclusively upon the Biblical standards of ethics, morality, and respect for the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happines granted to mankind by the Creator.. . For centuries before and after (except for the past 150 years or so) higher education in Europe and North America was centered almost completely on the Bible as its primary text for instruction in language, ethics, and morality. . . Not surprisingly, the decay of the societies formed on these principles has precisely followed the removal of these precepts from our schools and homes.
by (4.5k points)