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+37 votes
How can I ensure that my girlfriend is free from STDs before engaging in sexual activity?
by (4.1k points)

6 Answers

+111 votes
Best answer
the best way to know if she is clean is to get it in writing. not all std's have symptoms, hiv doesn't until years down the road, either does hep. get tested together. and when the results come back get print outs and share them with each other.. thats your best bet
by (4.7k points)
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0 votes
use a condom....if she smells, breaks out, her stuff look inflammed, there are bumps and rashes, she has a green or yellow discharge? or just ask her to go get tested.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
The pleasure is not worth the pain. Think very hard about this. It even takes months for some sex diseases to show up on a test and there are so many different kinds now!. . Find out about all of them and get tested if needed.. Find a women that your sure a life-long relationship will work.. It would have to be a strong girl that loves honesty and integrity more than personal pleasure and self gratification.. . Learn not to gamble with your life even tho it is a very popular and widely excepted practice. Strengthen and fortify yourself against the mental and physical plagues of are day. Throw all your TVs, Radios, Computers, CDs and Movies in the trash if they are life threatening. . . Don't chance events that may start a chain reaction that will completely destroy you. . . Be Strong, and resist. Be awake, and know where you are. Be wise, and choose a safer road through life. there are mysterys yet to be unfolded. The world doesn't know everything. You don't need to follow it all the time.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
That is just it, you can`t. Don`t take the chance of contacting a STD. Use a condom. Sometimes a person can have one and not show symptoms.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
THere are some outward signs for some STDs, such as crusty open sores, but most are near invisible. You can not SEE if a person carried the AIDS virus, but does not have Aids, you normally can not see HPV unless the warts are obvious. 80 percent of the adult sexually active population has been exposed to it. You need to use a condom period. YOu can not tell visually with any accuracy. For the record she can't tell on your either.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
you can have this and show no sings for a long time go to these sites . www. www.cdc. com www. dukemedicalcenter. com www. ps. by the way the first.2. that answered your question is very acurate in my opion ?
by (4.4k points)