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+83 votes
Why do some people believe that many black females seem to be envious of one another?
by (4.0k points)

6 Answers

+118 votes
Best answer
This is not a nice answer but it is the truth as I know it from my own exprnce with living in diff areas.. . Black females bounce off each other easier because black men sleep around more thus the females are more wheary of what is happening with their guy and who he is sleeping with and who they should be jealous of, who they ought to be, or could be, or would be etc.. . But in the end, guys get to sleep around because silly girls let them. So no fingers should be pointed at the men only.
by (4.1k points)
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0 votes
Scientifically not proved so.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
i am not sure...being white, i don't care what other white women look like and it seems people envy what you are not! see, i love the braids that black women have in their hair, but if i tried to do that i would look like an hair all sticking so i think you want what you cant have?
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
People are envious and jeolous within every "race" so it's not just black people. I'm asian and I would have to say that this is true for some asians too.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
It's all a personality thing. If the person isn't open minded, of course they'll stick to what they think or hear. With females, it's stupid.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
It's a chick thing, not a race thing....Men are all Stupid, therfore woman are all CRAZY. and that's just it....
by (4.5k points)