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+60 votes
How can I control my uncontrollable eating habit?
by (4.0k points)

14 Answers

+42 votes
Best answer
if you eat lots then do more excercise. im the same
by (4.6k points)
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0 votes
well,you havent said if you are fat or not.If you are just eat healthily.If you are getting fat,go to a gym and were some fat off,then you can eat some food and still way the same weight!easy
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Try Hoodia It comes from South Africa,it is natural and works with me
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
go for a walk
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
find something to stop u eating like going out for a walk or something
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
try chewing gum
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
so whats the problem juts eat- lot cannot eat. are you over weight if not just eat and enjoy life to the fullest thats what all animals do they really eat,mate and die. we humans canot do any thing but all responsiblities
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
get out of the house.. . Yes, take a walk, ride a bike. something, anything.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Ello there! Here are some alternatives.... . Learn to relax and slow down by using exercise and meditation.. . Practice new behaviors and activities, such as self-improvement classes and hobbies.. . Change old rules, such as "No eating in the car, while on the computer or watching t.v" and Remove binge foods from the house and car...choose healthier snacks. . Get enough rest and expand positive relationships.. . Begin an enjoyable task or project immediately after eating a meal.. . Carry food to work rather than buying it there. Pack healthy, satisfying food.. . Call a friend who knows about your problem and have him/her just Listen. . Learn your triggers, learn your danger zones.. . Fill up on water.... . Try not to eat when you need comforting.... . LOVE YOURSELF & TAKE CARE OF YOU, BECAUSE NOONE ELSE WILL!. . First, you come to the garden alone, . . while the dew is still on the roses.... . . . FOR THE GARDEN OF YOUR DAILY LIVING, . . PLANT THREE ROWS OF PEAS: . . 1. Peas of mind . 2. Peas of heart . 3. Peas of soul . . PLANT FOUR ROWS OF SQUASH: . . 1. Squash gossip . 2. Squash indifference . 3. Squash grumbling . 4. Squash selfishness. . PLANT FOUR ROWS OF LETTUCE: . . 1. Lettuce be faithful . 2. Lettuce be kind . 3. Lettuce be patient . 4. Lettuce really love one another . . . NO GARDEN IS WITHOUT TURNIPS: . . 1. Turnip for meetings . 2. Turnip for service . 3. Turnip to help one another . . . TO CONCLUDE OUR GARDEN WE MUST HAVE THYME: . . 1. Thyme for each other . 2. Thyme for family . 3. Thyme for friends . . WATER FREELY WITH PATIENCE AND CULTIVATE WITH LOVE. THERE IS MUCH FRUIT IN YOUR GARDEN BECAUSE YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
stay away from school
by (4.6k points)