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+43 votes
What was the significance of the ritual the Grandfather performed in The DaVinci Code?
by (4.4k points)

10 Answers

+65 votes
Best answer
Representational of the union between God (the masculine) and the Goddess (feminine). Priest and Priestess invoke the God and Goddess into themselves and re-enact the union that created all life.. . At least that is the pagan perspective... not sure that it was the authors intent.
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
The sole purpose was to "amuse" you. . "A"=negative, no, none. "muse"=think, ponder, consider. It was just a fantasy to keep you from useing your head. They told you what to think in the movie. It was for idiots.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
This is the difference between the prudish new religion and the celebratory and magical old religion.. . The "Great rite" (modern terminology) is the act in which some of the greatest and most magical energy is raised. It doesn't occur without study and preparation, and doesn't happen between random people. The Priestess and Priest need to be comfortable and familiar with each other, and, in many if not most cases are married or have a strong relationship outside the group or coven.. . It's not about worship in the sense that Christians worship their God. It's about raising and directing energy toward specific purposes.. . To address another poster, much of what Dan Brown wrote about is factual. I saw the TV program, and it too had a number fo factual errors of its' own. The story with the Priory of Sion is still open for debate. People are still debating the current existence of the Illuminati. Whatever the case, the book is still entertaining and is something that can be learned from.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
I don't know
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
in some ancient ceremonies ... . sex was considered to be something beautiful .. something to share. it is only present day that has put rules on what sex should or should not be. the scene in the film was a ceremony based on ancient religions
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Ask Harry Edwards Of UK
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
Supposedly, at least according to the book, the joining of male and female created the divine---so if you had sex, you were God. They were, uh, worshiping.. . On another note, most of the "fact" in the DaVinci Code isn't fact at all. Ex. on the History Channel, they showed that the Priory of Sion, you know, the secret group that the whole novel based on, never actually existed. All the documents that "proved" it were a fabrication of a Frenchman named Planchard, who was convicted of falsifying the documents by a French court.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Hard to say, but springtime is usually celebrated as the mating season, or time of fertility. It probably had something to do with that. But they never really revieled what his religious basis was.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
We are not sure if that was what he was doing. This well researched movie is based on practices prevalent during the time of Jesus. Although this movie claims that Mary Magdalene was Jesus mistress, I doubt if Jesus would have disported himself in the manner as suggested in the question. The presence of so many masked figures also makes a personal act like this unlikely. This cannot also be any kind of sacrifice because Jesus did not condone animal sacrifices. My guess is that the people were participating in a costume drama. My other guess is that the bare backed entity was probably a sub-human primate. The extra limbs from this beast was probably of its conjoined twin, please refer to the source below. Jesus was kind to lepers and the diseased, it is very likely these group of masked people (mostl likely representing the apostles) were re-enacting a miraculous healing by Christ.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
I think it was just another celebration of life and the femine in the ancient religions.
by (4.6k points)