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+83 votes
What are the potential effects of using distilled water instead of saline solution on maintaining homeostasis?
by (4.4k points)

2 Answers

+54 votes
Best answer
"homeo" means "same"; in the case of homeostasis, this means "keep internal condition stable". The human body has a certain content in salt. Introduce distilled water inside and, through osomosis, the cells will start taking a lot of water in as they will try to be as salty as the environment, and that can dangerously disrupt them. An UV has about the same salt content as blood, so that the salt balance will not be upset.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
Saline solution is salt water solution. therefore saline is an electrolite, plain DI does not conduct electricty. IF your body doesn't have electrolites then the body cant function since everything is based on electrical impulses
by (4.4k points)