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+82 votes
Why do you think atheists are predominantly found in America, and do you believe that their lack of knowledge about the world and suffering is the reason?
by (4.5k points)

14 Answers

+46 votes
Best answer
Your whole premise is wrong. Of all the civilized countries, the U.S. has the LEAST atheists.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
Nothing you just said there had any truth behind it. Except that man made money and, although only the society part, the country.. . Only 9% of the US is atheist. Atheists aren't ignorant, weak or delussional, they just don't believe what you believe.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I don't know that atheists are mostly in America. I know quite a few in Australia, but I was under the impression it was more popular in parts of Europe.. Also if you go through your question and change 'atheists' to 'theists' and 'man' to 'god' it makes a very good point.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Try Sweden with 85% Atheist. Sounds like heaven.. . The US is full of nutters.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
An atheist is someone who does not believe in God. This does not include people who believe that God is evil, not interested in them or that they do not need to be interested in him/her. Demon worshippers, spiritualists, anyone who reckons that there is something out there is not an atheist. I would therefore argue that America is not atheist and actually there are a lot more atheists in some parts of Europe. . . The rise of atheism in the west is due to Enlightenment which happened a couple hundred years ago. Basically, it introduced a way of thinking that argued that if something could not be proved them it should not be believed. This has become the core belief in the West both amongst religious and non-religious people (you will hear a lot more preached about logically understanding than God now than you ever would have). It is also from this way of thinking that students are taught to argue with and disagree with their teachers and books. This is the key skill we are taught in art based subjects in univeristy. Due to this people do not believe what they are taught either by teachers, politicians or religious leaders (this is why we are so fond of conspiracy theories) and this means that people tend to pick a religion for themselves made up of little bits and pieces that don't belong to any religions. Some people class these people as atheists.. . In highly religious countries in the east religion is linked in with culture and family. In the West this was similar with Christianit until the Reformation happened. The Reformation sought to return Christianity to its roots and taught people that the choice whether or not to believe was up to them. Parents or leaders could not make the decision for them. This happened at the same time as the Enlightenment and so people were told to believe for themselves and think for themselves. There was also a lot of divides in Christianity at this time so it was easier for people to just keep their heads down and not join any fanantical group.. . In Europe atheism really saw a rise during the time of the First World War as people were really disillusioned with God.. . I don't think that mixed ancestary has anything to do with it! Beliefs don't change with race!. . Opulence can take the necessilty of thinking about death and therefore God daily but the roots of atheism in the West go a lot deeper.. . Search for either Enlightenment or Reformation on the web - I'm sure you'll find it enlightening!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I happen to be an atheist myself and you are wrong. A lot of people don't attend services because they are disillusioned by formal religion but that doesn't make them atheists, just disgruntled. Many people have religions but don't practice for one reason or another.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
My dear, that is the longest sentence I have every seen, congratulations.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
a lot of countries have athiests, some even more. america is only like 3% i think
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
That is complete bullcrap.. . atheist only make up 5% in Americans,they are in fact the minority. . . there's a total of 16% atheists/agnostic/free thinkers in the world.. . and surprise,surprise, 85% of Americans are christians, go figure.
by (4.6k points)