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+118 votes
Should one prioritize taking AP classes and getting Bs or choosing easier classes and getting As for college admission?
by (4.4k points)

2 Answers

+16 votes
Best answer
I used to work in a college admissions office for a major university and they used a specific formula for calculating GPAs. They did this to put everyone on an even playing field - so that high schools that don't weight AP classes differently would be measured the same as those that do. Though I don't remember the specific calculation anymore, I definitely remember that AP classes were given a higher score. I'd suggest you take the AP class and try for the best grade you can get - because ultimately it'll be weighted higher at the college/university you are interested in, giving you a better chance of getting in!
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
Most colleges look at GPA and class rank. Also, most high schools multiply earned AP gpa by a multiplier to reflect additional difficulty. For instance, a B in an AP class in my school was a 3.96 vs a 4.0 for an A in a standard class. In that case, the AP class is probably better. I'd like to think that more selective colleges take a more holistic approach to admissions, though I have no evidence of this, as I got a budget priced state school education. (and a darn good one at that!)
by (4.2k points)