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+13 votes
Why doesn't the European Union simply accept that Europe may be predisposed to initiating global conflicts?
by (4.4k points)

6 Answers

+21 votes
Best answer
They are all trying to live the glories of centuries past. Its in all their history books and what they are taught that they are the great conquerors: British Empire, Napolean, etc. But, that was a much smaller world and before France decided to surrender. Only Britain showed the backbone necessary for the new times and consequently the only still showing it.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
They're too busy looking down there noses at us to realize how far above them we really are.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
In what way do you mean give up? The European Union is an economic organisation and does not plan to make utopia as it would be foolish since humans do not have the capacity and capatilism, socialism,securalism or religism are the answers. There maybe truth in combining these, but they are so diverse we are far from seeing it.. . Europe did not start the last world war alone, Japan can hardly be blameless. Also at the time of the first world war, and to a lesser extent the second world war, much of the world was under European dominion so it would have been hardly suprising that a war of the old super powers would spill over to the rest of the planet.. . The EU may have some backers as a Super Power, but most of us do not wish to emulate a flawed idea of super power as the US is or the USSR was. . . The US and USSR were culturally homogenous either natural in the case of the US or forcefully in the case of the USSR. The EU is about diversity, one of its mottos is "Strength in Diversity". . The EU is not trying to create paradise it is trying to make life as good as possible for the citizens of the member states. Utopia will never happen as long as people like myself and you cling to national pride. . . Future generations may find the way but ours will never see it, all we can do is give them as many examples of society for them to draw from, be it that of the US, the EU, China, India, Iran or Bolivia.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
this country is not a super power if it was we would have been done with iraq a long time ago
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
You don't want world wars? US fought in two WW. You mean you don't want to fight for democracy, freedom, yada yada yada?
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
i agree
by (4.2k points)