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+59 votes
My computer says it is low on resources, what does it mean?
by (4.3k points)

6 Answers

+103 votes
Best answer
Basically it means that you have too many programmes running at the same time on your machine. Low resources means that your processor is up to capacity and your ram allocation is full. Try closing a bunch of programmes and close anything in the system try (by the clock) that you don't need. Also then uninstall stuff you don't use and select option to not load when windows starts on other things to help in future.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
You running out of Memory or Ram
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
close down some programs that are open. If that doesn't work, get more RAM.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
This is directly from my computer's help center. Maybe these suggestions will help you.. . Increasing system resources without adding memory. Over time, the availability of system resources on your PC can decrease, slowing down the performance of the PC. To increase system resources, try one or more of the following procedures: . Prevent background programs from launching automatically during startup . Check the hard disk drive for errors by using the Windows program called Check Disk . Clean up the hard disk drive by using the Windows program called Disk Defragmenter . Save hard disk space by adjusting System Restore settings. . . . Prevent background programs from launching automatically during startup. Click Start, and then Control Panel. . Click Performance and Maintenance, Administrative Tools, and then Services. . Double-click any program whose Start Type is listed as Automatic. . In the Startup type drop-down list, select Manual, and then click Apply. . Repeat steps 3 and 4 for any other programs you want to start manually rather than have started automatically when you restart your PC. Click OK when you are done. . [top]. . . . Check the hard disk drive for errors by using the Windows Check Disk program . The Microsoft Check Disk program searches your hard disk drive for errors and is able to fix some errors. Fixing hard disk drive errors can improve PC performance.. Note: Using Check Disk to check for hard disk drive errors may take a long time to complete.. Click Start, and then click My Computer. . Right-click the icon for the hard disk drive (usually labeled C:). . Click Properties, and then click the Tools tab. . Click Check Now. . Place check marks in both of the check boxes. . Click Start, and then click Yes to schedule a full disk scan for when the PC is restarted. . Click OK. . Restart the PC. . [top]. . . . Clean up the hard disk drive by using the Windows Disk Defragmenter program. When Windows stores files on your hard disk drive, they are often divided into multiple pieces (or fragmented) so they fit into available space on the drive. When you attempt to open a fragmented file, it must be retrieved from more than one place, therefore it takes more time.. The Disk Defragmenter program groups the fragmented files together on your hard disk drive to improve PC performance. This does not affect the location of files and folders on your PC.. Note: The Disk Defragmenter program may take a long time to complete. It is a good idea to run it overnight.. . . To run the Disk Defragmenter program:. Open the Windows Task Manager by pressing the Ctrl key, the Alt key, and the Delete key at the same time. . On the Applications tab, select all the programs that are listed, and then click End Task. . Click Start, choose All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then click Disk Defragmenter. . In the Volume column, select the hard disk drive you want to defragment (typically C:), and then click Defragment. . . . Important: If Disk Defragmenter repeatedly starts itself, this means a hidden background program is still accessing the hard disk drive. To resolve this issue:. Click Start, Turn Off Computer, and then Restart. . Press the F8 key as soon as the first logo screen appears. . On the Windows Advanced Options menu, use the arrow keys to select Safe Mode and press the Enter key. . Press the Enter key again to select the operating system. . Log on to Windows. When the Desktop message appears, click Yes to continue in Safe Mode. . After Windows starts, use the previous procedure to run the Disk Defragmenter program.. [top]. . . . Save hard disk space by adjusting System Restore settings. You can access the System Repair settings from within the Software Repair Wizard. . To start the Software Repair Wizard, click the following icon and follow the onscreen instructions: . . Or. Click Start on the taskbar. . Choose All Programs. . Choose PC Help & Tools. . Click Software Repair Wizard. . Follow the onscreen instructio
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
free up some space on the hard disk partition containing your operating system
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
That means your computer is not working well.
by (4.5k points)