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+25 votes
What is the origin of fear or apprehension some white people have towards Mexicans, and where does this lack of courage stem from?
by (4.4k points)

29 Answers

+66 votes
Best answer
Who stated that white people were afraid of Mexicans? That's an awfully big leap of thought you have. ;p
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
That is a rather uninformed statement. We the citizens of the United States not just Caucasian are not frightful if that is the correct word of Hispanics. We and the rest of the nation are not happy with those that have came here illegally, and that would include all ethnicity's not just Hispanic. All legal citizens are welcome here as this country is a melting pot of all heritages, and ethnic groups. . . We don't appreciate immigrants coming here and flying their flag in our face. If their country is so damn good than why come here?. . We also don't believe in having different ballots in different languages. This country speaks English and as such those that wish to live here need to adjust to us not the other way around. . . Last point, don't let a composed, and polite society fool you, we do our venting legally and via a court system, one that is not perfect but certainly better than most in the world. If you look at that as a lack of courage that is your opinion to do so.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
You guys are missing the point- when he (or she) states, "where does the lack of courage come from?", he's just trying to show how "MACHO" his "people" are, as opposed to Whites. It's just a feeble attempt to put us down. . . That's the typical "gangster" mentality that dominates Latin America, and is also a reason why they despise us- they're very "macho" until we give them a slap, and then it's all about the pleading. They hate the fact that we sometimes have to remind them who "Daddy" is...
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
In your previous question you stated you were an American... Tell us now where your loyalties lie TRAITOR?. . This has nothing to do with race and you know it. Its just that knuckleheads like you on both sides of this debate keep screaming "racist"... at each other. Everyone else isnt doing it... just you and your ilk!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
LoL, omg, look who is running from a fight at the rate of 2880 per day. Mexicans are runners, not fighters.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
How much time did it took you to make up your name, and this stupid question to 'pretend' to be a Mexican?
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
My stepfather was Mexican and I have a brother and a sister from him. He opened our world to a whole new culture that otherwise would not have been seen. No fear for the good. Maybe the people you know that are afraid did something to one and now is scared. They are family orientated and will stick together. I miss my dad very much. He died of cancer. he was my Daddy more than my bio dad.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
I'm white and I'm not frightful of them......I just don't like their lifestyle, and their attitude toward my country (USA)... therefore...I try to keep my distance from them, which is kind of hard sometimes since I have Mexican family members....but I manage.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Your question screams such racism and so loudly, that it is hard to hear the point of what you ask.. . Americans are "concerned" about uneducated, ignorant, possibly ill, desperate, criminally oriented, overly zealous sexually reproductive, parasitic ILLEGALs in vast numbers coming into their country and mucking things up.. The lack of courage I can only guess at what you refer to, is probubly that americans are in confusion to some degree as when to step in (cuz the gov. isn't doing it's job) and scream enough! Non of us want to be inappropriate. We are civilized people and we are compassionate people but there is an end to all of that. I predict we are getting to that end soon.. I warn you ...the courage you speak of is there and the backlash of response will be considerable and much damage will be done to all and on both sides of this issue.. It's a shame really. If the law had been enforced as it has allways been, this would not be such a problem.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
I see this one a lot. 'Que es muy macho'/' who is more manly' is a uniquely mexican statement. Well, there's a fine line between brave and stupid, and no matter how many mexican 'braves' they've got, the bottom line remains that if it hadn't been for america letting Mexico live off of us for the last several decades, their country would still be proceeding as before on burro-power.. We've really 'helped' ourselves a problem, in my view, and it's time for some real border enforcement that prevents people from entering the United States illegally anymore. That way, they can 'bravely' face their own problems without helping themselves to our wallets, that'd be REAL bravery, dealing with their own domestic problems and drug dealers and so on independent of help from the United States...take your hand off my wallet, sir, and go take care of your own problems. Thanks!
by (4.2k points)