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+46 votes
How does John Kerry raise doubts about the intelligence of our soldiers?
by (4.8k points)

14 Answers

+122 votes
Best answer
He was not and he wouldnt since he was a soldier.. He is an extremely intelligent man who sees things as they are.. He misworded a joke, I dont know why people dont believe that, the man is not exactly known for his humor.
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
He has questioned the intelligence and dignity of being a soldier, in any branch,in any form, for over 30 years. To any that feel Kerry actually served as a proud American, and a proud soldier, You have my apathy. Had he been an upstanding and proud soldier, he would have never engaged in the traitorous acts after VN,(let alone his actions while he "served" in VN) or made the dumass comments he did earlier in the month.He is ANti- American, Anti- military, and Anti-anything that isn't in the best interest of his favorite person........himself. Any attempt at a political career now will be stifled.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Hey check out this quote from former house majority leader Armey, he's a republican and from Texas!!!!!!. Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-TX): On the October 31 edition of MSNBC's Hardball, Armey said of the attacks on Kerry's remarks, "Well, it's pretty standard fare in political discourse. You misconstrue what somebody said. You isolate a statement, you lend your interpretation to it and then feign moral outrage." When host Chris Matthews stated that Kerry "was trashing Bush," Armey responded, "Right," and went on to say, "A fundamental premise of politics is we can make this work if people just never figure it out."
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
i question your intelligence.. kerry was makeing fun of bush being not smart, but ya'll aren't smart enough to get that.. also kerry was a soldier himself. he's proud of that. does it make sense to make fun of something your proud of.. or does it make sense to twist around a poloticians words to desperatley help your dieing party.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
He said he meant to put us in there... 'get us stuck in Iraq' instead of 'get stuck in Iraq.' He was doing a series of jokes about the president, and this one just came out wrong.. . He was a soldier himself once, so I don't think he would make too many jokes about them anyway.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Kerry didn't question our soldiers' intelligence. Even though it wasn't what he meant to say, what he did say was true.. . He said, "If you can navigate the educational system, you [something good] and if you can't you get stuck in Iraq.". . Having less education is not about intelligence. Having less schooling doesn't mean you're stupid. But it does mean you have fewer career choices. The military is one of the better choices for an intelligent uneducated young adult. And if you joined the military, guess what? You're stuck in Iraq!. . My hat off to the soldiers for honoring their commitment. It is brave of them and they have my thanks. They're not stupid. But they also, on average, are not highly educated. That's not an insult, it's a fact.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
He doesn't care about the troops, he only cares about political victory. He'll say anything to gain power, and that is disgusting
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
two points: . . one is it was a stupid joke that came out wrong . . and two i didn't hear people like you say S H I T when Bush was joking about finding wmd's underneath furniture while an unjustifiable and illegal war was and is killing are soldiers
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
You need to check the news more frequently. Haven't you heard, the Democrats won the election big time. Apparently you were one of the few that thought Kerry's bad attempt at a joke about Bush had some significance.
by (4.3k points)