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+123 votes
How has affirmative action influenced ethical considerations?
by (4.3k points)

4 Answers

+122 votes
Best answer
Affirmative action is legalized discrimination. By giving "minority" persons an unearned edge, affirmative action suggests that a "minority" person is less capable than a "non-minority" person. By its nature, then, affirmative action is unethical. It not only implies inferiority of "minorities", but it also forces people in authority to make unethical decisions.
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
I worked for a Police Department that had a national reputation as being forward thinking and highly professional. Then a Federal Judge got involved. He decided that there should be two civil service lists for hiring, one for minorities and one for non-minorities. For every 3 hired from the non-minority list, 2 had to be hired from the minority list. They were turning away candidates with scores in the high 90s because they were non-minorities and hiring people with scores in the low 60s because they were minorities.. . the result was the dumbing down of the department and a whole lot of people being washed out in the academy because they just weren't smart enough to cut it.. . This isn't some racist rant, it's the truth. A lot of the minority candidates excelled and became exemplary Police Officers, but they would have anyway, list or no list. . . On top of that, forced school bussing killed the city. People were not about to put their children on school busses to go to inner city schools and have to worry about not getting them back. They moved out of the city and took the tax base with them. The result was a poor city populated mostly be those who couldn't afford to get out.. . That's how liberals are destroying this country with their affirmative action crapola.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
Affirmative action has nothing to do with ability, either in high school grades or on the SATs or other entrance exams. I think there was a high court law suit (maybe US Supreme Court) on this topic in Michigan maybe. A White girl had gotten close to perfect on the SATs, her high school grades were straight As, she was in all kinds of volunteer groups, etc., yet the college she applied to passed over her to admit a less qualified Black student. She believed, and I agree, that it was reverse discrimination and/or racism in that the less qualified student was admitted on his race, not on his qualifications or achievements. Affirmative Action in this day and age basically throw ethics out the window at looks mostly at race as the determining factor. I hope this helps.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Minority groups get jobs through dishonesty. A white man and a black man take an employment or test or a test for a promotion. The black man is given ten extra points just for being black (and I guess not intelligent enough to score high on his own, therefore not equal). The white man EARNS a grade of 90, the black man only earns 85. The ten extra points he is granted gives him a 95, so he gets the job or promotion even though he did not deserve or earn it.
by (4.5k points)