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+92 votes
What are some ways to earn income from home?
by (4.5k points)

4 Answers

+81 votes
Best answer
do a lot of homemade products eg. pastries, cake, chocolate, home decor etc. then sell to your neighbors...or find sites online that offers income while at home.
by (4.1k points)
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0 votes
The Home based business that i work with has more people who earn over a hundred thousand per year then any company in the entire world! -by the way- Thanks! And go ahead and take a look at the site and you'll see what I'm talking about.
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
Think of all your interests & ask yourself if any of those could be expanded into a business. Just keep in mind...what's your expertise? What are your interests? What could you imagine yourself doing?. . Then, once you have some ideas, research, research, research. Check out the competition -- their business practices, pricing, customer service, etc. And also think about what you could offer to set yourself apart from these other companies.. . Check the sources for some handy sites.. . Prior to investing your time, money & effort into a business name, it is strongly advised that comprehensive research be conducted to ensure that the name you're interested in is truly available. . . This entails searching the pending & registered Federal and State trademark files as well as the US National Common-Law files. Then, if clear, you can decide if you would like to file for a Federal or a State trademark. . . Research is needed to make sure your trade name is legally available, before opening, before expansion, before incorporation or before designing your logo. Similarities in sound, appearance and meaning affect you too!. . There are 16+ million trade names in use in the United States. Similar names matter, if close in sound, appearance or meaning. Similar names in related classes, distribution channels and customer matter too. You are affected by Common Law use (14 million), State Trademarks (500,000) and Federal Trademarks (2 million).
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I used to sell Mary Kay and Close To My Heart (scrapbook supplies). There are lots of direct sales companies, but it's hard to make them work because you need a lot of downline to make real money. There are so many direct sales companies out there, it would be good to get in with a "young" company that doesn't have very many consultants in your area. Then you only can go up from there! . . I now do mystery shopping and some paid to read things. For mor info on mystery shopping go to Just be careful not to pay someone for a list of companies or to work for them. YOU SHOULD NEVER HAVE TO PAY TO WORK!! Those are all scams. . . With the email reading, I do Hits4Pay. You get $ for reading emails. You get someone to sign up under you and you get paid for the emails they read too (up to 2 levels of downline). It costs nothing to start and they even give you $10 in your account when you sign up.. . I've been doing it for about 2 weeks and already have 6 people under me and have made a few dollars from reading the emails and having the people under me read them. It's not a get rich quick thing as it takes time to build your $, but the person I've signed under has been doing it only a week longer than me and already has enough to get a check ($25).
by (4.5k points)