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+46 votes
How can I uninstall Internet Explorer 7 and revert to using Internet Explorer 6?
by (4.6k points)

9 Answers

+70 votes
Best answer
Go to the control panel, under the add/remove programs tab click change/remove next to Microsoft IE7... this will revert back to IE6. X
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
Go to control panel, open add/remove programs, then Click the add/remove windows components. then you there should be new window that comes up. it should have folders a dn programs with check marks on the left. uncheck Internet Explorer(s) and then click next then follow the instructions. then after Internet explorer(s) are complety unintalled go to here and download firefox 2 because internet explorer sucks. . . to reinstall IE6, do the oposite of the removal from above (select IE6 check mark) click next and follow the instructions.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Go to start->control panel->add & remove programs and look for it on the list and click remove. Restart your computer.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Uninstall Explorer from control panel>>> add remove programs. I will go back to 6.0. I did it a few weeks ago. Mike
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
I don't think it's possible. You can try downloading and trying to install IE6 but I'm pretty sure it won't go through and you will get a message saying you have a new version installed and the installation won't continue. It's worth a try though. still has the IE6 setup file.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Try reinstalling widnows. Maybe in the control panel theres a thing. in XP you may be able to do a system restore to b4 you put in 7. IE sux anyways!!
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Stab yourself. If you've lived a good life, you'll go to heaven. It would be there. But then again, you stabbed yourself. So you wouldn't go to heaven. Hmm...
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
click start>run>type "appwiz.cpl"(without "")>ok. go to add remove windows components. deselect internet explorer and click next.... . . This article describes how to uninstall Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 Preview from a computer that is running Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2). . MORE INFORMATION. To uninstall Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 Preview and to return to the previous version of Internet Explorer in Windows XP, follow these steps: 1. Click Start, click Run, type appwiz.cpl, and then click OK. . 2. Click to select the Show updates check box. . 3. Scroll through the list of installed programs to the Windows XP – Software Updates section. . 4. In the Windows XP – Software Updates section, click Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 Preview, and then click Remove. . 5. In the Software Update Removal Wizard dialog box, click Next. . 6. Click Finish when the process has finished, and then restart the computer. . . if ie6 is not working....insert winxp installation cd. click start>run>type "appwiz.cpl"(without "")>ok. go to add remove windows components. select internet explorer and click next.... . or try this link to download a tool to remove it.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
uninstall Windows Internet Explorer 7 and download Explorer 6....
by (4.3k points)