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+94 votes
What is the purpose of our existence and how did we come to be?
by (4.4k points)

2 Answers

+43 votes
Best answer
Don't waste your time worrying. Would it really improve your life if you knew. Just get on with living and enjoy life and try to be a good human being.
by (4.4k points)
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The world came out because God created it. If you have a bible on hand check out the very first book Gensis 1:1 it says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form and darkeness was all around. After 5 days of creating fish, animals, birds, plants, the sea etc God saw that he ahd to create someone to look after all these things and that's how Adam cma about. Then he saw that Adam needed someone to keep him company because man can not be alone so Eve was created out of his rib.. We speak different languages because in the bible there is the story of how God's people tried to build the highest tower to try and reach him but God saw what they were doing and was dissapointed that they did not have enough faith so he made different langauges so that they couldn't communicate to finish building the tower. so from then on they seperated into different groups. I think this story is also found in Genesis. the colour issue comes from one of Noahs Sons who was of a darker skin.. We are on this planet because God put us on here, everything he does is for a reason and we all have a purpose to fulfil. In the book of Jeremiah 29:22 says ' For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.. I think it says that God knew us and had our whole plans laid out for us whilst we were still inside our mother's womb.. So if you really wann know read the bible or fin someone who knows about the bible to tell you about the things you want to know-it's worth knowing that you're not on this planet for nothing!!
by (4.3k points)