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+94 votes
What is the issue with connecting the tops of bars in a line bar graph to form a line graph?
by (4.3k points)

2 Answers

+106 votes
Best answer
A bar graph is used for things that only come in predefined quantities, or to compare similar things. You might have a bar chart to compare the numbers of hedghogs, foxes, and badgers, for instance. Although you would plot them on the same scale to show how many, it would make no sense to join them up because there is nothing halfway between a fox and a badger, or a badger and a hedgehog.. . Similarly if you are comparing different days profit for a shop, it takes nothing in the middle of the night between Monday and Tuesday.... etc.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
beacuse your graph which would have been a horizontal bar grapth will become a vertical line graphy. The information will be correct but it will be the wrong form
by (4.5k points)