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+40 votes
Discuss the reasons behind the Treaty of Versailles' failure
by (4.4k points)

2 Answers

+96 votes
Best answer
because it really put the germans down. they had to pay soooo much, and like, all their land was taken away. this provoked the germans, and eventually they declared another war.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
the treaty failed because the fines and restrictions were sooo harsh on germany.. people were burning money in their homes to warm up. inflation rose by up to 600% a month at once stage. a loaf of bread cost you about 20 million marks.. this brewed discontent in germany, and were there is discontent in a country you have fanatics who were opportunists looking to gain influence over the disgruntled masses!!! ie th nazi party
by (4.4k points)