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+16 votes
Why do people find it difficult to admit they don't know something and instead say it's due to 'random chances'?
by (4.2k points)

15 Answers

+67 votes
Best answer
Great question. I am an atheist because I cannot fathom a reality based on a bible story.....sorry. Thumbs up!
by (4.4k points)
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Whats funny about the term random chance is that it is used as a creative force. For example if you play the lottery and win, every one would say it's a game of chance. That's partially true, but they are forgetting that you went out and bought a ticket in order to participate, and that a lottery corporation set up a process to draw a winning number or ball. And they had someone to sell tickets. In other words something had to set the process in motion. The is a law of physics that says an object remains still unless acted on by an outward force. So what set these forces in motion? Time is also used to explain allot more than its capable of. If you suggest an involvement of God to some people they will reject it while at the same time embracing the belief that given enough time you can explain the evolution of anything. Time is used as a master magician that doesn't pull rabbits out of it's hat but an entire universe. It is a common and deliberate misconception that creationists would simply throw their hands in their and say God did it. What they would likely say is if God did it then maybe this is how he did it. Another problem for evolutionists is the problem of the origin of information. In order for any substance to continue to live is it would first have to find a way to come to life in the first place. Secondly it would need to be able to feed itself, reproduce itself, and store information in order to be able to save the positive information passed along in the survival of the fittest. How would early life forms know positive from negative or even know that survival itself was a positive or desireable benefit.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
because the two are different.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
We don't know.. . That wasn't so hard.. . A
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
because we have a little something called an EGO. Some of us just have one that's the size of a barn and others the size of a bee.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I am not sure about random chances. However, unforeseen occurences do befall us all, every now and then. Sometimes, things just happen.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
Probably for the same reason that you can't say "We don't know." instead of saying "God did it.". . -SD-
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Separate these two concepts. Things can be caused by random chance which I have no knowledge of.. There is a misconception about science that many people have. Science is much more about questions than it is about answers. If you ask and get the answer "We don't know" then we can try to find out. If you adopt the religious way of approaching it that you do know, God did it, and quit asking questions then you have just committed intellectual suicide.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Isn't this question aimed at atheists? Isn't it the atheist who must, by default, believe in evolution. Isn't evolution the belief that complex creatures were made by millions and billions of "random chances". Oops, this mutant animal has a nose and can now smell things, I guess it should overpopulate all non-nosed creatures. . There are some things that we were never meant to be told, we must ponder on them and grow smarter. Some choose the way of faith and believe that there is guidance if you need it, others choose the path walked alone. . If science was to admit "it doesn't know" in place of "caused by random chances" then evolutionary science would be out the door and replaced by a "?". . There are many things that science doesn't know but it cannot admit this because then science would fail at answering the questions it is needed to answer.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
YOu seem to have a common misunderstanding of the ToE. Random mutations alone don't cause evolution, it is only the power of cumulative selection of beneficial mutations over millions of years that makes evolution possible. It is the ratcheting device that allows, even demands, progression to complexity. Read any of Richard Dawkins books for the eloquent details.. . And we do say "we don't know"...but what we also say is the overwhelming burden of evidence supports this point of view, but that our minds are open for other evidence that would explain all of life in a better way. Science is open for the paradigm shift, Newtonian physics held sway for over 200 years until Einstein, and maybe some day there will be a better theory than Evolution, but "god did it" isn't the one.
by (4.3k points)