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+48 votes
Why do diamonds have such a high price tag?
by (4.2k points)

8 Answers

+74 votes
Best answer
You are right. DeBeers tightly controls the supply of diamonds available on the worlds market. By doing so, they are able to maintain the demand required to justify the incredibly high prices they command. Many don't realize that is a significant world supply of diamonds and if DeBeers' monopoly on the market was suddenly broken the value of diamonds would decline dramatically.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
Because theres people dumb enough to pay for them.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Rare old and shiny. plus theyre the hardest substance in the world so they symbolize permanance (like the permanace of love)--although being stones they will outlive the lovers, their love and their great great grandchildren's love....
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Whatever is rare out there...that is the way it goes! But hey I love it because this is a tradition we all have for an engagement ring...what can be more exciting than that!
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
It's all a marketing gimick- think about it, they sell us WATER! If you read the story of DeBears you will open you eyes to our naivity- . . Most diamonds are mined from slave labor- unfortunate but true. Rent the movie Run Down or any indiana Jones movie. The reality is not as pretty as the stone but it does make her smile and thats all that matters. Don't go cheap either. I know all about diamonds- the girdle; culet and pavilian size/angles are very important. Go at least an H in color and SI1 in clarity- NO floresence. Make sure it is GIA certified, EGL and others can be off by a shade or 3! Make sure that thing is at least 1 carot so she can brag. A great site is
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
It's supply and demand. If they were as numerous as granite, they would not be worth very much. It takes quite a bit of heat and pressure to create a diamond, so they are fairly rare. There is also the purity of diamonds. If two diamonds look and weigh the same, but one has two flaws under a microscope and the other has none, the one without flaws will be quite a bit more expensive. Watch out. Go to a reputible dealer. Many pawn off flawed diamonds for higher prices.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
a diamond takes so long to make, and they are very rare esp. those over a full ct. in weight. The size is not the only factor for their price, they are also graded on color, clarity, cut and so on. A diamond that is flawless is quite rare, and EXPENSIVE. If you are just looking for a ring with a diamond of impressive size, go to a used jewelry dealer and just have the stone reset in a new band. High-end stores often jack the prices way up, if you tried to sell back the same ring to someone else they would give you maybe 1\4 of the price you paid if you are lucky. Because of this it only makes sense to buy used.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
because they are so rare
by (4.3k points)