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+90 votes
How can I overcome distractions and focus on my B.E. studies?
by (4.4k points)

4 Answers

+106 votes
Best answer
you need to schedule yourself some free time even if it is only one day.your brain maybe trying to tell you something .listen. i know studying is very important but while you are worring about this you are not accomplishing much now right. schedule some you time everyone needs a break.healthy mind healthy body a healthier you.
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
Only answer to your issue is "meditation". Please choose early morning ...say 4.30 am (dont feel amazing...this is the time suitable for meditation ).you can have your face wash and drink a glass of water and choose a place with lights on -where you can have a peaceful meditation. Sit as you please.Just close your eyes and let run all your thoughts -past,present and future for some time ...till they get drain out. Just half an hour daily and then go to study. Do practise this for 10 days continuously. I am sure by 11 th day you will not be anything to run on in your mind. Precaution : DONT RESTICT YOUR THOUGHT FLOW AND ALLOW THEM TO FLOW AND THEN ANSWER SOME QUERIES which you can.. . OK dear freind ! all the best and reply to me on 12th day how you feel about.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
This may help, when you start thinking of other past events, stop then get up walk for few seconds, seep some water, concentrate and start studying , do that as soon as you realise, it would be best or great if you can do it at onset.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
I will give you just one advice, always remember in life learn to prioritise your activities as per importance. Clearing the exam is the priority right now.Also every organ has a specific trait and function and dear friend mind's trait is to WONDER.Hence, apply your intellect and not mind in certain situations, a situation like yours demands discipline. Don't always feel emotional and go to your past(ITS GONE), be strong and remain in present as that is priority.NOW,NOW,NOW,NOW,PRESENT is priority.
by (4.3k points)