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+43 votes
What is your personal religious belief and what are the reasons behind it?
by (4.2k points)

42 Answers

+39 votes
Best answer
Christian. Because I believe in the love and mercy of the one true God and in salvation of my eternal soul thru His Son, Jesus.
by (4.3k points)
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i follow islam. and i know its the correct religion cuz i have not seen a single fault in it. its the most unique and perfect religion ive ever seen. so peaceful and best of all the way of life. it has the answer to every single problem u can face in life. i believe their is only one true god who is everyones god regardless of who u are and he is allah(god) the all powerful etc... according to islam everyone is born a muslim and later on converts when their family members convert them. if u have more questions email me and ill be more than happy to help. :) take care
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I don't have religion. I have a relationship with Jesus Christ and God the Father. I have the assurance of Heaven and Eternal Life. Very different from religion. Jesus Christ is Truth - I pray you find him - if you haven't already. Blessings.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I am Muslim and I believe that there is one God, and he is so great that he cannot ever be compared to any man put on this earth, no matter how good. I believe that Jesus was a prophet, yes, but not God or a son of God. I believe what I believe because this is how I was brought up, but as I got older I started doing research and looked into other religions. I feel much better knowing that what I believe in makes sense - that God cannot be compared to man, as he has done more than any human being could ever do. He is the reason we are here ... not the mans reason.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Hindu darma; everything or everybody are gods we appreciate and respect them.. . Budhist darma; we are both god and devil. When we are committing sin is devil, when we are doing good to other and give up ourselve, we are god.. . Christ darma; Love enermy, empty your heart, . respect and humble heart to learn and accept.. . Toa; We are the same aliments of world. Nothing is true and real. Everythings are changing all the time.. . These religious are going into the human psychology and really help people to a healthy life.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
I was brought up and Christened Catholic always forced to got to church when i didn't want too but parents didn't go they both came from families who were all good catholics who attended church every day,I married my husband in a registry office as he is Protestant his church seems more relaxed than the catholic ,my kids are non denominational ,And to be quite honest i don't really believe in religion you believe in what or who you want.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
as your codename animal lover, you're religion is hinduism/judaism, because they don't harm any animals and insects too... My religion is Roman Catholic, because this was the religion of my relatives & friends... Even if we have different religion as long as we fear God nothing matters
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints or better known as Mormon.. . there is one godhead with three members. God, his son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. . The way that I know that it is true is prayed about it and the Holy Ghost bore record of the truth.. . as to your religion... no clue. i only hope that your conviction is as strong as mine!
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
When I was younger I was baptized Catholic. Although I never really felt all that connected to the religion. Now that I am grown and can make my own decisions, I haven't decided on religion. Sometimes I think it is completely unnecessary. If I claimed to be Christian, I couldn't see myself believing that my Muslim family members would go to hell because we believe in a different God. Especially if they are good people and do not do anything that we would consider a "sin". Same with my buddist friends, etc. I believe there is a God, but I can't pin point God to one certain religion. So, I guess that means I don't have one.
by (4.5k points)
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Hindu.. . 1. the principle that there is only ONE God and all spiritual paths merge. . 2. the holy trinity - Brahma,Vishnu & Shiva are the three sublime aspects of the ONE God.. 3. the Vedic scriptures predates all other literature by many millinea.Given the current world scenarios one cannot help but highlight one of the most salient teachings viz.. " faith in God gives meaning and purpose to Human Life and the brotherhood of man transcends the soverenity of nations and economic justice can best be won by FREE men through free enterprise....."
by (4.3k points)