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+37 votes
What is the reason why many evil leaders throughout history, such as Hitler and Idi Amin, ultimately died without achieving their goals?
by (4.2k points)

3 Answers

+60 votes
Best answer
Idi Amin lived to be an old man. He died in exile in Saudi Arabia in 2003 at the age of 80.
by (4.4k points)
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They didn't have the power of Juche!. . Rodong Sinmun today dedicates an article to the 12th anniversary of Kim Jong Il's famous work "Socialism Is a Science." The author of the article says that the work published on November 1, Juche 83 (1994) is a monumental library of the present times as it gives a comprehensive answer about socialism as a science from the Juche-oriented standpoint. . Noting that the truth and invincibility of socialism with the first consideration to human being, man-centered socialism of Juche, have been fully displayed in the stern practices of the revolution over the last one decade or more after the publication of the work, the article goes on: . First of all, the superiority and invincibility of socialism of Juche, which firmly protects and guarantees the independent position and rights of the popular masses, have been clearly proved by the unique Songun leadership of Kim Jong Il. . The army and the people of the DPRK are today replete with the unbreakable will to carry the socialist cause of Juche to accomplishment, true to the great Songun policy that firmly defends the socialist motherland from the U.S. imperialists' moves for aggression and glorifies their independent dignity and worthy life. . And the superiority and vitality of socialism of Juche which is steadily developed by the high revolutionary zeal and creative activity of multitudes of army and people have been displayed to the full under the unique Songun leadership of Kim Jong Il. . Over the last one decade or more the DPRK has witnessed a higher display of patriotic devotion of the army and the people than ever before and gigantic creation and innovation unprecedented in the history of building a prosperous and powerful country. . Striking successes have been achieved in all fields of socialist construction including economy, science, military affairs and culture. . This is a bright fruition of the Songun policy of the Workers' Party of Korea which embodies the theory of ideology. . Next, the superiority and vitality of socialism of Juche which fully guarantees the living of the people in a responsible manner have been displayed in all its fullness under the unique Songun policy of Kim Jong Il. . The leader and soldiers, the party and the people are united with love and trust and the whole society is one socio-political organism, a harmonious large socialist family in the DPRK led by the great Songun policy.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Don't you know good always conquers evil!. that's the way of life!!
by (4.5k points)