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+29 votes
Why are there so many questions about at-home jobs on this platform?
by (4.4k points)

10 Answers

+14 votes
Best answer
Our society is so lazy they'll ask questions here when they good just Goog--- uh, I mean search on this site for the darn answer.. . Some of the questions are plants so someone can log in under another idname and give the name of their crappy work at home site.
by (4.1k points)
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0 votes
You will not succeed at any online home business unless you work really hard for quite a while. The guys who made all the money don't tell you about the 12 hour and longer days they put in. You don't just answer a couple surveys or send out a couple emails.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Because they are trying to find a job where they live and it is hard, so they thought why not work at home. I am trying to find a job too, but I don't BELIEVE that these sights are legit.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
The times are changing and we need other ways to make money. No one can survive anymore by just having a regular job and Home jobs are hot right now and soon everyone will have. I would look into it. its good money if your willing to do the work....
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Because sometimes it just doesn't pay for people to work outside their home...I mean if they were to go get a job and they have kids that would have to go to daycare because of them working then what would be the point in them working just to pay daycare? It would bring in no extra income that they need and it would put their children at risk for becoming sick which in return they would have to miss work and spend even more money for the doctor's bills.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I for one was looking for a job from home but is is because I work at night for the government, and would like more income to pay the high taxes, keep my head above water in this high times, I work very hard and if i can find work from home it will help. So don't be so hard on people that is looking for work some people are working away for home just as hard as you are. We people just need more money.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
I think most of the ppl looking for at home jobs are single moms, at-home mothers and senior citizens, no one likes to take their children to day care, and the senior citizens find transportation difficult, making money from their own home via their computer is the answer they are looking for, unfortunately most of them are scams.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
I'm not sure why you associate working at home with lazy?. I work just as hard as you or anyone else, I just think differently than you do.. I do not understand why you think you need a legitimate excuse not to work at home.. Can you give me a legitimate excuse for subscribing to the 45 year plan where you start a career at 20 years old and work until you are 65 for someone else? So you spend your life working to make someone else rich? And then most retire with nothing and depend on the government to support them through their golden years. Most have never heard of leverage or residual income, both of which are necessary to see you comfortably through retirement. I think THAT is the lazy way. You never have to take the time to learn about finances, you just accept that that's the way it is done.. . I choose to work smart. I still work as hard as anyone else but I get paid in direct proportion to my efforts, not what some boss with no qualifications thinks I deserve. . I take holidays if and when I please and am secure knowing my business will keep thriving even when I'm not there. If there is any doubt, I take my computer with me and work from which ever beach I happen to be visiting. . I have no cap on my salary and never have to ask for a raise just to pay the bills. My bills are always paid. . . Some people are natural born entrepreneurs, others learn how to manage their lives wisely which starts with working for yourself.. . It's sad that you think of that as lazy, but always remember, the people that you listen to in this world are that ones that you will end up like.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
its just like diet pills. people like to belive in majic :)
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
I think there are alot of people whom would like to stay home with their kids and still have income coming in, then there are the few who are disabled or unable to find a job. I work for an employment agency and we get tons of people looking for work, but here in Michigan, the economy is so poor, we have very little open jobs for all these unemployed people. I wish I could stay home and work from home too, it's not not feasible.. . Have a great day!
by (4.2k points)