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+40 votes
Please provide a specific quote you would like for your wall.
by (4.4k points)

11 Answers

+104 votes
Best answer
"Be careful who you pretend to be, because you day you just might loose who you really are". . -ME
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
"Ah, that a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?" - R. Browning
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
As useful as a one legged man in an butt* kicking competition. . *insert any variation of this word
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." . --e.e. cummings
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
"When you say you are bored you are insulting your own imagination.". . OR. . "Work like you don't need the money,. love like you've never been hurt,. and dance like nobody's watching. "
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
"Dont walk as if u rule the world,walk as if u dont care who rules the world,thats called attitudeā€
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
here i sit all broken harded. . tried to sh!t but only farted
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
"Live, Love, Laugh"
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
you can not shake hands with a clenched fish -- indira ghandi. . beautiful... describes the world
by (4.4k points)