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+4 votes
What are the effects of China's increasing international trade on emerging market economies?
by (3.8k points)

2 Answers

+46 votes
Best answer
Golden opportunity for everyone, they can sell (and indeed do sell) whatever they make to China where demand for many kinds of imports is rising rapidly. Also raw materials like timber and wool. They also benefit from higher markets for their imports in other regional countries that trade a lot with China such as Malaysia and Japan.. . Mostly they have to specialise in making things that China doesn't, not in toys and cheap consumer goods.
by (4.1k points)
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0 votes
It could crush them. They are impacting things from agriculture to metals, they are emerging as an international economic time bomb!. . China's Economic Rise Is Creating A Seismic Shift . . Best Answer - Chosen by Asker. . The reason they can export aluminum or granite, or corn, or anything, and sell it for less but make more is because it costs them next to nothing to mine, produce, plant or harvest things. Then, we buy them because we do not want to pay more for the item made.... someplace else.. . QUOTE:. China's expanded production and export of unwrought aluminum also increased global prices for unwrought aluminum and changed the dynamics of the global aluminum market, the study said. . END QUOTE. . Put it all together, thay can and are controlling many exisitng and emerging markets, talk about "waking up the giant".
by (4.6k points)