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+87 votes
How can I plan a secret trip to Las Vegas?
by (3.9k points)

10 Answers

+60 votes
Best answer
If you can't figure out how to get to Vegas from PA, then you are not ready to leave. The easiest part of your 'adventure' is simply getting from point 'A' to point 'B' - but if you have trouble with that, you either don't know how to read a map, don't have any money, are really, and I mean REALLy immature ( 11 years old?) or just really dumb.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
You might want to ask your mommy and daddy if it's ok first.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Well, start off by reviewing your choice. Is it really the best idea? If you have some reason, and you tell someone where you are going so the police dont spend months looking for you spending other's tax dollars.. . Also you may want to review your choice of location. Las Vegas is VERY expensive. the food is, the gambling can be, hotels are, and there's not much to do after a few days.. . Save up money for your trip. . . Are you running away there for life? Or a short visit? you should really think about what your doing a bit more. . . I dont advise you to runaway to las vegas. or just runaway at all.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
First off, it's a bad idea, so don't do it.. . The problem with Vegas is that you are reminded every day about how poor and unimportant you are. Must of the cool stuff to do in Vegas, is unaffordable to you. You will have to probably work in some crappy job working crappy hours and your standard of living will be utterly mediocre. When you get some time off you will find that some of the best reasons for being in Vegas are things you cannot afford.. . Vegas is also full of people like you. People who ran there thinking it would be cool, only to become disillusioned and leave six months later. In fact, a friend of mine just did exactly what you are suggesting. Right now he is on a Greyhound Bus traveling back to Tennessee, wondering how he came up so short.. . The town is always seething with tourists. The summer heat is brutal, often over 110. Every job you apply for there are dozens of other candidates just as desperate as you for the job.. . If any of your friends like to gamble there is always the temptation to blow their money in a casino, at which point the other friends will have to come up with extra just to pay the rent and bills.. . But if you REALLY want to do it. If you really want to live like that, do some searches online, rent an apartment, and get on the bus. Consider driving if one of you has a good car. It will probably take you 2-3 days from PA. Just check on Yahoo! Maps for directions.. . As someone else said, if at the age of 23 you cannot figure out how to get to Las Vegas from PA, then you are not mature or smart enough to take this leap. Someone like you will be eaten alive out there.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
If you REALLY want to run away you should ask anybody, just do it! But really Las Vegas is too far, try running to New York. Its cheaper and you will have stuff to so when you are under 18!
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
That's really stupid. For one it's going to take lots of money, for food and someplace to stay. Are you all old enough to work when you get there, cause you'll have to have money for food and a place to live. Do you plan on quitting school? If so, that's stupid too. Surely your life can't be so bad that you can't stick it out until you're 18 and graduated high school. Then it will be legal for you to go anywhere you want, without any ones permission.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Bus cheapest way. Nice station downtown here. But seriously..hope things work out whatever the problem there but feel free to e-mail me if have qs on taking a trip here. Can click on id.. . Mike B
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
if you are not 21 dont go there unless you want to work in the house of the rising sun
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
WOW if you live in PA then you have got a hell of a way to travel. you may wan to take a grey hound bus that travels cross country and get to vegas that way. its much cheaper than a plane ticket, but you may have to sleep on the bus, also there will be alot of people on the bus. but try to come up with a way to get the money. good luck
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
save up for plane tickets
by (4.5k points)