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+38 votes
Why has Bush not withdrawn troops from Iraq yet?
by (4.6k points)

8 Answers

+12 votes
Best answer
My heart aches everytime I read or hear of another soldier wounded or killed. I would like nothing better than to have all our troops home safe and sound but that would leave Iraq in a complete turmoil and it would be more dangerous now than it was before....
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
capitulation is taken as a sign of weakness..more than likely it will be more of the same, unfortunately..because the more blood that is spilled the more sanctified the situtation becomes in the eyes of people whose egos are attached to this debacle
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Truly a good question. I have been thinking long and hard about this and I think, honestly, it is because he fears that it would make him seem as if he has a small or nonexistent penis. I mean that is WHY we are in Iraq to begin with, to prove that the Bushes have penises. . . Seriously, GW had been itching to invade Iraq sine his daddy was called a wimp back in the day. SO if GW pulls out he has to admit that not only was his daddy wrong but he was wrong and well... in the end that is NOT good for the penises... I mean the Bushes. . . Anyway, GW had been planning an attack on Iraq since before 911 (which had NOTHING TO DO WITH IRAQ!!!!!!!!!!! no matter how much you WANT IT TO!!!!!) and there is PLENTY of proof to back that up. So while hundreds of Americans and THOUSANDS of Iraqis die, he can at least feel better knowing that he had done all he can to prove that, once and for all, he has a penis.. . This is a travesty of justice and, unfortunately, I doubt the history books will remember it accurately, but WE need to at least be honest and deal with this mess before it truly is another decade long VIETNAM.. at least then we can hopefully keep history from COMPLETELY repeating itself.. . A lot of people say we need to "git er dun" or that we need to stay the course. That if we cut and run now that all our soldiers would have died in vain. That is a RIDICULOUS reason t have a few thousand MORE DIE IN VAIN!! It is not like killing MORE innocent people will bring the dead back to life. At least if we just admit our failings and work, WITH OTHERS, to help Iraq. Then, we can create a truly stable environment and hopefully get out with some amount of dignity and a few SAVED LIVES!!!. . AND to all those who will thumbs DOWN me and think I do not SUPPORT our troops... MY BROTHER is over there and I DO SUPPORT OUR TROOPS.. I want to BRING THEM HOME!!!!! . . I do not want to lose my brother for a false cause... Or an egomaniac who is just desperately trying to prove that he has a penis... . . Yes George... we GET IT... we are ALL GETTING IT!! Without the kindness of a reach around even!!!!. . ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!. . BRING OUR TROOPS HOME!!!!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
OIL - OIl - OIL - Why the hell don't people in here realize the whole stupid war was all about oil. Please read up on this subject and study all the facts before you give any more stupid answers.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Why are u bothered about so many American soldiers dying?. What about all those innocent Iraqi civilians??. Soldiers leave their countries knowing that they may not see their loved ones again, but poor civilians have no choice, they have to stay on and some of the things that those American soldiers are doing to them are disgusting.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Pulling out now would probably be a disaster. He wants a stable situaton on the ground.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Because pulling out would result in more American deaths on our own soil
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Did you just wake up? There is a purpose for staying ...we dint leave people to die we defend them till they can defend themselves. I can see it already if your way happened....HEADLINE: The united stated ran away from battle and didn't have the will to finish the job they started 10 million Iraqis dead after genocide...Bin Laden would be the winner and so would terrorism you flake
by (4.4k points)