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+26 votes
How can I increase my popularity at school?
by (4.4k points)

13 Answers

+89 votes
Best answer
I know to be a popular person at school is so fun, but not a big problem if not.. more popular, get more extra-activities, for guy, join some sport activities. study hard and get high grade. gatting around with others and more talking (conversation), have some humours or funny stories, it will help you more popular.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
Just be who you are. Never change for anybody!
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
......................... Be Paris Hilton!. ........................
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Hey being popular isn't everything! If you think that only big grown up adults think that, I am only just older than you. Do you have friends who you care about and who care about you? Well that should make you feel even more popular than one of the popular people. I mean who wants to have all those friends, but have no one who they can really turn to when the going gets stuff??? Just stick it out with your friends, be confident and eventually everyone else will like you too.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
You can choose either to be popular in a good way or otherwise..
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
its only the begining of 7th grade try to make friends or at least know alot of people or have a characteristic that can make you stand out like being one of a kind for example i was close to 6' when i was in 7th so a lot of people knew me dont worry by 8th grade you will get popular
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
Being a brilliant student
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
i was there too. 7th grade was probably one of the worst years of my life. my self confidence was pretty much negative zero and i would look at the popular kids and wonder why in the world i couldn't be like them, look like them, dress like them. i was trying to figure out who i was while at the same time trying to change myself to be someone else. it was awful. you have to believe me though that it gets SO much better. I'm a freshman in high school now and i finally reached the other side of that dark tunnel called middle school. as you get older you start to realize who you are and what you believe in. you've probably heard before the saying that all the brainy geeks and unpopular people go on to become millionaires. well that's great and all but you want to know about what you're supposed to do now. for one thing don't become a stalker lol. i did that to one of the popular girls and i regret it because it made me feel worse, comparing myself to her all the time. God made you absolutely perfect and you just have to trust that he knew what he was doing. make friends with people who encourage you and don't be afraid to smile and look people in the eye. if you have confidence in yourself, people notice. Find something that you really enjoy doing and throw your heart into it. For me that's playing the french horn and fencing. Not exactly what anybody would call popular but it makes me happy so it doesn't bother me. I don't know if you believe in God but if you do then take this to him. he understands what you're going through better than anybody in the world. You aren't alone in feeling unpopular. even the popular crowd doubt themselves- it's just a stupid part of middle school that everybody deals with and then moves on with their lives. i really feel for you and i wish you all the best.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
popularity is the least of your worries if you concentrate on doing well in 10 years you will be a succesful person when all of the others who are popular will either be unemployed or in dead end jobs on the roadto nowhere (sorry to sound like i am giving you a lecture)
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
be yourself is the best.....dont try to act someone else your will look weird if it didnt work out....try to do some crazy cool stuff but not to crazy..something that will make people laugh will do...
by (4.5k points)