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+11 votes
What is the reason behind Rangel wanting a hearing if he believes the draft is out of his jurisdiction?
by (4.2k points)

7 Answers

+108 votes
Best answer
He's making waves by insinuating that there's more middle-class than upper in the military b/c of recruiting locations. What he doesn't realize, considering the ratio of mid, upper-class, & immigrants, he may be wind up sending even more of those he's defending because of their quantity.
by (4.6k points)
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0 votes
1. To smear the President and the war in Iraq.. . 2. Because he is anti-war and wants to defeat any will to fight our enemies.. . 3. He is a coward politician. He voted against a draft when he brought it up in the past.
by (3.9k points)
0 votes
To open the floor for debate since the war's a mess being fought mostly by poor and middle class kids who joined the military for a chance at an education and who trusted our elected officials to only fight necessary, just wars, not wars of choice, that were ill planned and poorly executed. . hunterent I respectfully agree to disagree with you there and I'm a dyed blue liberal
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Are you stupid, or is it your imaginary friend? Rangel said he wants the draft, so that the children of rich Republicans, especially those in Congress wont dodge a war, as they have been doing without a draft.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Because in America, people get to express their views under the US Constitution. It is a basic right that should continue. Never let anyone tell you different.. . If you don't agree, you can put your views forth as well. That's how democracy works. Each side hears the other sides, they share and then get to agree or not. But each side grows from listening and learning.. . Congressman Charles Rangel is making a symbolic statement that young men and women who are poor are worth just as much as young men and women who are rich. Let him play out that thought and watch what happens. If you want your views to be heard, write him or your other leaders. America should go back to being involved and not just complaining and going back to sleep.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Charles Rangle is the one who is going to submit the bill. How . can it be out of his jurisdiction?. . And by the way what is this crap about just wars. A war maybe. necessary but it is never under any circumstances just. Get that. idea out of your head right now.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
To get his ugly, tired, old face out in the public some more. Does anyone else continually clear their throat while listening to him speak?
by (4.5k points)