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+84 votes
Why do some people believe that Republicans have lied about the roles of Democrats in major wars?
by (4.4k points)

10 Answers

+118 votes
Best answer
Democrats are gonna spank some butt next TUESDAY! hee haw!
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
The only thing Republicans are good at is putting their own spin on events and shoving it in your face as 'the truth"
by (4.7k points)
0 votes
If Al Gore was in office during 9-11 and started a war in Afganistan (as it would be unlikely that he would have in Iraq) the Republicans would be against it, or at least the way it was run. Kerry, if he won, probably would still have us in Iraq right now, and he'd be getting the criticism.. . Note that Tony Blair is a liberal, and it's mostly the conservatives in Britain that want him to get out of Iraq. . . It is always who is in power that get the benefits and blames for war, and the opposing party will always find someway to be against it.. . But it may be very likely that only George Bush would have got us into Iraq....... . I like how Clinton gets the blame for 911 and for North Korea's bomb test--remind me who was in office when those things actually happened?
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Because they have no morals and it helps them win elections.. . Also for you CRAZY republicans who think that democrats love terrorists:. . You have been brainwashed by Carl Rove! How STUPID can you be? Just because people disagree with you and disagree with how we should handle the fight against terror does NOT mean they are on the terrorists' side! . . Oh and as for terrorist rights, not all of them are PROVEN terrorists. If we don't defend a person's right to a fair trial, they can come after you next, claiming that you're a terrorist! Go ahead, give up your freedom for a false sense of security...see where that gets you, you ignorant pathetic excuse for an American!
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
it's another falsehood from the chickenhawks.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Better review your facts...Eisenhower took over from Truman...and Nixon took over from Johnson...after the Democrats had worked themselves into a quagmire. Democrats under Clinton gave the farm away to the North Koreans, Lincoln was a Republican too. Democrats or Republicans do not make for better military adventurists, The war in Vietnam effectively began in 1945 after the defeat of Japan...with the government safe in Democratic hands....the Korean War began with the government safe in Democratic hands???? Read your history about what happened.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Don't know, you tell me.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Don't understand where you're coming from, sonny boy. Sure, soldiers who voted democrat have gone to war right alongside those who voted republican, but no one has lied about them. John O'Neill did write a pretty devastating book about Democrat Lieutenant (jg) John Kerry, but it is well documented, and endorsed by MANY Swiftees (the Swiftboat navy), where Kerry comanded one boat and proved his cowardice. he asked to leave after 3 months, and they asked him to go.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Because the party of Truman and FDR is not the party of McGovern. McGovern destroyed the moral fiber that was the DNC. Kick out the McGovernites and the DNC might again be a party of moral values, patriotism, and leasership. Until the McGovernites go, the party will continue to be the bottom of the barrel in morality and patriotism.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
Yea Clinton sure fought a good fight in Vietnam didn't he????. He was a draft dodger and was a protest marcher......
by (4.3k points)