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+92 votes
Why can't I open websites or send/receive emails even though my internet connection is successful?
by (4.2k points)

4 Answers

+93 votes
Best answer
Run the internet connection wizard on this PC. Make sure you use connect thru lan.
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
Hmm, sounds like your socket needs cleaning. Check this out.. . Copy into browser and download. It is called winsock fix. It is use to repair corrupt winsock files that is usually created by spyware and maybe virus.. After downloading this small program, run it and click on fix, then it will prompt u to restart. Restart and then try browsing again. If this doesn't work plz let me kno.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Yeah i can say that U have to verify U R homepage if it was about blank then the page will be blank and if it was some other page then ping that page
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
1. try to ping the website you want to view in the cmd windows.. if i can resolve the DNS entry of the site, try to telnet to that site:80. e.q. . telnet 80. after that type anything, if you can get some response, it means you connectivity is ok. . If not, check the DNS, default gateway and your home router's setting. . . 2. go to your browser, disable any proxy setting. pay more attention to auto detect proxy setting. disable that as well. . if brosing the web still fails, you may have to adjust the MTU to be less than 1500 on your home router which is directly connected to the internet via DSL, cable. I would try a value at 1400. . . Good luck.
by (4.4k points)