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+79 votes
What makes it challenging for some individuals to comprehend the concept of Evil?
by (4.3k points)

15 Answers

+84 votes
Best answer
yes.. A sign of human self-maturity is the realization of the infinite potentialities of the self. Just what religion seeks to repress in us.. What religion SHOULD seek to do is help decide WHAT potentialities to manifest(i.e. avoid evil and do good...)
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
Because "Evil", like good bad, right wrong, and other value based descriptions are subjective not objective. It's based on learned behavior and social conditioning not on quantitive data.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Because there isn't any evil in them and you're just trying to start something?
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
What is Evil? If you think about it, there are thousands of thousands of ideas about what Good is... so, in relation to that, it must be very hard to label something as Evil. Evil is a very strong word... I don't believe people are evil. Genocides, for example, are evil... but the people carrying them out, and giving the orders? I think they must be crazy, rather than evil.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
ya i know those people could just go insane in a split they just have "self control" y do they do it??
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Bad actions. there iron shackles. good actions. there golden chains.the way to heaven is narrow.know the path of love and understanding. a striving for spiritual knowledge.a heart knowledge, not so much importance set on a head knowledge, my mother told me that.haveing trust & faith in our heavenly father. we must try to do Gods will. evil is in the world so much that people our surronded by it and it ingulfs them. and they think its ok sometimes to do wrong.The prince of the power of the air is so much in control of so much in this world. haveing the spirit of God within you and thru you guidance will follow.with the asking of wisdom will it come to you.Peace.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
I think it is partially there own motivation not to believe in evil as a reality, I mean, who -wouldnt- want to live in a world ( wether or not it is imaginary ) without any sort of negative consequence??. . And partially the religious communities moralization of evil, what I mean is compartmentalizing "evil" to a certain set of actions, thoughts, or objects. Instead of communicating WHY certain things CAN be or ARE evil, they simply follow dogmatic advice, Never understanding the nature of evil themselves, then passing it along to others. . . This ( quite understandably ) seems very incredulous to a person who investigates with the question "what is evil" and then they get answers like "sex before marriage is evil" and "becuz God said so" . . I would say the fault for evil being "stealth" falls on both the believers and unbelievers alike.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
Because Satan, the god of this world, is a master in disguise. According to the bible he and his cohorts often masquarade themselves as angels of light.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
No. It is simply so prevalent that some sin is simply overlooked as it is second nature to most of us. It is harder to find the good as it is a more rare thing.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
the problem is that we live in times that everything pleasurable is permitted and as long as it is fun then it is okay, but this is a neo-pagan atitude that keeps people from the truth of sin and it`s effect.
by (4.1k points)