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+66 votes
How can one improve their ability to focus and concentrate?
by (4.2k points)

5 Answers

+70 votes
Best answer
I have found that by taking control of my breathing, I can now take control of my emotions and this has really strengthened my concentration. I use an inner emotional barrier to prevent things invading my 'space' and I have a word to tell my unconsious mind to relax. It seems to be working but you have to really keep at it! Start with long, slow, deep breathing ....
by (4.7k points)
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0 votes
play concentration and good diet and sleep.try not to put yourself under to much pressure.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
A minor stimulation of the central nervous system can increase concentration for office work and games like chess. . . I find when I have a head cold that my concentration level falls (cannot control my breathing properly). Substances like caffeine (in tea and coffee), components of flu medicines (pseudoephedrine in the UK), can help in the short term (and probably the long term as well).. . I have got a cold today and a game of chess tonight. Too many stimulants and it is counter effective (measured by results).
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
although I will not be able to fully explain how to achieve what your trying to do, I would suggest you read "The Book of Five Rings" by Musashi Miyamoto. It explains how to be able to execute a task with efficiency even if you are faced with endless distraction. To summarize his lessons, you must practice what you do until your body gets accustomed to the task at hand. if you achive this, you may perform your work without thinking about it. Thus, the concept of "no mind". The same concept as walking. When you walk, you don't really think about walking. you just walk. That is because you have practiced walking all your life that your a master of it already. when you try to think about how you walk, you tend to lose your balance. . . As a piece of advise, don't try to over-analyze what your doing. Just do your best, but don't do anything you can't. As one said before, "we cannot see past the choices we make".
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
find some brain exercise and do one of them each day, in time you will find that your levels of concerntration do get alot better, that how i managed it.
by (4.4k points)