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+84 votes
Why isn't it possible to edit a question after it's been submitted?
by (4.5k points)

4 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
I suppose that you wouldn't want to change the question after somebody answered it because then they're answer wouldn't make sence or might mean something other than they intended. If you make a mistake, you can delete the question and then make a new one.
by (4.6k points)
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0 votes
i actually was wondering the same thing.. maybe because then people will try and totally change the ? w/o losing ten points [which i dont get]
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
you can't change your original question, but you can add to it by clicking the icon on the right of it
by (4.1k points)