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+112 votes
What are your intended university studies and the reasons behind your choice?
by (4.4k points)

2 Answers

+22 votes
Best answer
A better job, a better life and much more satisfication. Gaining knowledge is never useless!
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
Music! Or, writing and journalism. I don't have to learn anything about those fields but I want to be recognized as an intelligent professional in them. I want a job that isn't so stressful. I'm in healthcare right now, and I hate the fact that if you make a mistake, it involves someone's very health and well-being. It makes you feel so rotten to make even a simple mistake. Healthcare pays well and there are always jobs, but the stress level is too high. Ironic how people go through higher education for an well-paying, but easy profession. Healthcare is not both of those. MDs work very hard, and go for a very long time without sleep. If I'm going to spend over $100,000 on education my life had better get easier in the process. That's why I would go for writing or music.
by (4.2k points)