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+120 votes
What is the reason for the high number of French people living in New York City?
by (4.4k points)

5 Answers

+47 votes
Best answer
The French are trying to take over New York City. It's an invasion.. Next time, run away when you see a French, call the cop when you see a French, yell "help" when you see a French.
by (4.7k points)
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0 votes
Its called tourists. The city is loaded with them. Alot from Japan these days too. You are probably in areas where the French happen to be. Go downtown and you'll see mostly Asian tourists.. . I love the "its near Canada" response. First, NYC is not near Canada. New York State is, but NYC is a plane ride away from Canada, and the area that NYC is "near" all of those canadiens speak English as their primary language not French.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
nyc is near canada. french ppl live in canada, for it was settled by the french. also, there are alot of diverse ppl in nyc, its a major city, and has the jfk airport which attracts many ppl, not to mention ground zero, the memorial, and the statue of liberty.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
While out government tried to keep it a secret, the value of the American dollar has decreased significantly. France is a fairly affluent country and there are many dicount travel offers to NYC. Remember, the is ONLY 1, New York City!
by (3.7k points)
0 votes
Come on? Would you want to live in FRANCE?!!! Besides with all the "Fashionistas" (Models/Actors) that come to the city. Where else are you going to find them? Harlem? The Bronx. Maybe in Flushing? At least that is where the good tailors are. My Friends in Europe say that the only two countries in the world that only speak one language are........ You Guessed it France and the United States. lol hope that is what you were looking for
by (4.2k points)