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+100 votes
Why has the number of Spanish-speaking channels on my cable service increased?
by (4.3k points)

11 Answers

+111 votes
Best answer
They are doing it because they feel "it's morally right" f**k that it is not morally right follow the constitution and become and american or GO HOME!!!!!!!!!!!. Does anyone else have a problem with them flying the mexican flag in america?
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
well prolly they think ur a spanish guy..lolz
by (4.0k points)
0 votes
I didn't know you spoke Cherokee! English is only a distant 2nd place in US languages. Better be nice - the Latin population in the US will soon be larger than the English population and may control a lot when they vote - which is great - no more moronic trailer trash getting to make decisions!
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Because they have more Spanish-speaking customers.. . You're not paying any more on your cable bill for these channels.. . If you don't like seeing them, you can remove them from you channel list.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
What a jerk. I hope you get charged even more $$$ for your cable. If you got a problem change companies or switch to satelite although I really dought you can afford since your stuck with cable lol. Bueno Suerte amigo. Quizas te hace falta volver a la escuela para que tengas mas educacion. Stop being jealous of those who know more than you.. Your just mad cause you cant understand the Spanish programs. Especially the soap operas Hahahhahaaa
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
I don't know if this is satire or not. You don't pay any extra for these channels. I bet you like to watch the girls with big breasts on them more than you watch politicians on CSPAN or other cable channels. Not everyone was born in the USA. Just because you were lucky enough to (and obviously the priviliges have ruined your mind), doesn't mean that all others though have to live as if they were born there. Christ, I can't believe you are serious.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
These channels are on the cable networks because of the increasing population of Latino's in the USA. If you really do not want to see the channels why don't you call your cable company and complain to them, maybe they have another package that better fits your needs with less or maybe even none of the Spanish channel's. You need to understand something though, the majority of the people who are watching these channels are not lazy and are here working for a better life(alot harder than most Americans work) they are not watching these channels because they do not speak English, they watch them because they want to see news and shows from home and these channels give them the news about the Latin Countries and bring the most popular shows and sporting events that NONE of the English channels will bring except on pay-per-view. Please don't criticise people for where they come from or for their history or what they . like. What if you were for some reason in another Country and you wanted to find out some news from the USA or you wanted to see your favorite comedy show and you couldn't because they only have programming from their Country and you can't relate to what is on, you may watch it just because it is on, but you would not enjoy it because it is not what you like or what you are use to. And I don't mean to sound critical, but it seems to me as though maybe you are a little bit lazy, if these channels bother you so much then you must be watching a great deal of TV, don't have much to do?
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Try economics. Spanish speaking cable stations make money.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Was it this easy to show that you are so stupid?
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
spanish people want to be black.
by (4.1k points)