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+85 votes
How should I determine the optimal amount of time and method for studying?
by (4.2k points)

8 Answers

+38 votes
Best answer
studying is not too boring.close your door and just put on some music and try to study thats fun if you have concentration .and studying more than 3 hours makes your head burst!. toodles
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
why u got an exam? well i got alot this week well wat u should of done was everyday before the test read it and when the day comes u won't have 2 worry about it
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
Depends upon your level of class, anyways you can study for 4 hours everyday without fail and with concentration. 1hour in morning whatever time that suits u, 2 hour in the noon after school/college and 1 hour before you sleep, sounds like taking medicines ,,But you asked
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Make sure you tackle all worksheets, but if by study you mean reading over chapters typically study only one chapter (about 30 pages in a textbook or 50 pages in a regular text) of a subject per night and up to 3 subjects. But take notes on everything you read! . . How, is a long answer:. You must train yourself to study.. Step 1: Pick a room or place in your bedroom (that is not your bed!) that is free of distractions. Only use this spot for studying or things that take a lot of mental effort, ie craft building. A desk is the best place to study. If you study in your bed, your mind receives two conflicting inputs, one is to study (the task at hand) and the other is a condition to which you are habituated to doing in that place (sleeping!). Habituate your mind to a study spot.. . Step 2: Have all of the materials you need to study nearby so that you don't have the urge to get up and find something.. . Step 3: Turn off the television. Sometimes "white noise" is helpful as background noise. Turn a radio on very softly and preferably in another room. Pick a radio station or cd that has wordless music so that you don't start paying attention to those words.. . Step 4: Studying is a three step process for the most part. First, skim the chapter for main ideas. This helps get you in the mood to read it and also focuses your mind on what it's about to learn. Second, read the chapter and make notes or an outline, listing important facts and keywords. Have a dictionary nearby just in case you don't know what a word means. Try to avoid using a dictionary online as you may be tempted to surf the web. You can typically find student dictionaries for fairly cheap at local bookstores. Third, review your notes and ask yourself questions about the material. Try to write down three questions about what you just read and answer them fully in a few sentences.. . Step 5: Before a big test, give yourself one night per chapter to review notes. Spend the last night before the test doing last minute reviews.. . This may seem like a lot, but the more work you put in at the beginning, the less you'll have to later. You're gradually training your mind to study more effectively.. . Best of Luck!
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
that's up to you
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Make a study schedule. It depends how much you have to study 2 hours a subject works for me. But I normally spread it through few days...sosix hours in totall or maybe more. Plan ahead it works.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
I study for one hour before the exam and I just read my notes - Ive had As my whole life! - I suggest that
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
it depends on you.. . . BUT.. . i highly suggest you study DAILY or just about every free time you have.
by (4.3k points)