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+38 votes
What is the meaning of the abbreviation 'OK'
by (4.1k points)

3 Answers

+39 votes
Best answer
There is a lot of speculation on it but most widely accepted is the explanation of it beginning in New York in 1840 during the Van Buren run for President. At some point he was nicknamed the Red Fox of Kinderhook, from him being born in Old Kinderhook, N.Y. Somehow this led to the naming of a club surrounding him being called OK and hence the watch word of OK came into existance.
by (4.4k points)
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0 votes
It is the corruption of 'All correct' into 'oll korrect' in Black English. or Oklahoma.....:)
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
well, in 1840 Van Buren's supporters rallied for "Old Kinderhook" by organizing O.K clubs. The Whigs declared that it stood for "Oll Korrect" joking about Jackson and his poor spelling...since then, the term OK has become nearly universal
by (4.3k points)