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+95 votes
How can I make medical school more enjoyable?
by (4.3k points)

5 Answers

+113 votes
Best answer
Being a graduate of a foreign medical school a few years ago, I would say medical school life can be boring at times no matter what is your location on this planet. I would suggest you find some extracuricular activities or entertainment outside your school schedule.Looking forward to do something different at regular intervals (eg weekends) will definately reduce the boredom. Even though people have different priorities in life,I wouldn't quit the medical profession, considering the pros and cons.
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
If you find the material wholly uninteresting then maybe medicine just wasn't the right thing for you. Don't worry about dropping out - there's nothing wrong with realizing it just wasn't your thing and it's better to find out now than to burn out first and then be stuck with a giant loan hanging over your head.. . If you love dissection maybe you can specialize in pathology? No history-taking if you're doing autopsies :-) That's always an option and if you want to do that then stay with it and you'll be fine. It helps if you have some kind of motivation to keep you going.. . Maybe try to go back to how you felt about medicine before you started - surely you must have felt you were interested then. Maybe it's just the stress of it all making you feel like it's boring, that can happen sometimes even if you are actually more interested in the material than you think.
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
How can you want to be a doctor and not be interested in anatomy? Maybe you need to reevaluate why you always wanted to be a doctor. Was it just the money and prestige? Maybe you need to redirect your goal to an area of medicine that does interest you and will motivate you. Forensics? Coroner? Research? Sounds like simply practicing medicine is what you're questioning. The preparation today will seem worth it if the end result is something you're passionate about doing in the future. Seems you need to refocus on what it is you really want to do. If you aren't willing to make the sacrifices, then maybe you really don't want it as bad as you thought.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
If you find the subject matter dull and boring, you have probably made the wrong choice. You need to revaluate what you are doing, and find a field that is interesting to you. If you don't, no matter how much money you make, you will either quit early or be miserable.
by (4.1k points)
0 votes
If you are any good you should be bored. Only mediocre people who have to work for their good grades aren't.. . Wait untill you get to your internship. If you still think it is boring.... you could always sell burgers as a hobby.
by (4.4k points)