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+66 votes
Why doesn't the government acknowledge the potential of electric cars to address global issues such as oil dependency?
by (4.1k points)

6 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer
Look who's running the country...a bunch of oil freaks. Everytime the price of oil goes up they are cashing in! They don't want to come up with alternative fuel sources because there is no money in that for them.
by (4.5k points)
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0 votes
Here's my two cents:. . I do agree with what many people say. There will be loss of jobs from things like, oil rigs. Unfortunately, that is not usually the most powerful motivator. The biggest motivator in a lot of oil-based arguements is these companies fund many presidential and congressional campaigns. Without the money these companies provide, campaigns would fail, and many contenders could go largely un-noticed. Also, if someone forks over the cash for your campaign, you would do what they wanted, because you will always want their support.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
its not just the electric cars. we could do a lot if the government would give people tax breaks if we install solar panel shingles. those can be used to get rid of the power plants, power the house, use the extra electricty to go into the power grid, charge our electric cars (tax breaks on those too), and it will help the economy by putting more money in peoples pockets to buy thing instead of paying for electricity.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
It conflicts with self-interest. We need to elect different leaders.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
How are you going to produce all this electricity? Is it your contention that the technology exists to produce engines that will cost less to operate than the internal combustion engine? If so please let me know who has the patent so I can invest in their company.. Last I checked we do not have a shortage of oil (when's the last time you went to buy a petroleum based product and couldn't because of a shortage?). However, we do have very tight supplies, realative to demand. You could probably put some of the blame on the boom in China and India for that.. Who is this struggling working class? We have the wealthiest middle class in the world. We have a very low unemployment rate. Who are you talking about?. Oil companies are making profits because they are selling something we need. Are you suggesting that the government put limits on what people can earn as profit?. Personally I would rather be rich.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
WHERE YOU GOING TO GET THE ELECTRICITY ???. The enviromentalists do not like hydroelectric dams,coal burning,oil burning,nuclear power.. How many jobs are you willing to destroy to go to pure wind power and where are you going to put the windmills?
by (4.2k points)