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+32 votes
How can I manage my mental health while attending college?
by (4.1k points)

10 Answers

+30 votes
Best answer
well you have a few options. you can start treating yourself better and maybe do a little pampering on a regualr basis like get a massage or a pedicure n manicure and start eating healthy and drinking more water. You can also take a different route and go see your doctor or a doctor and see what they can do...which is probably what they do best---prescribe drugs (yuk)
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
I don't know about your country, but can't you suspend activity for a year? Solve all your problems and then go back to college, with renewed forces...i have been loosing years because of my depression and this point, i don't really know what to do but i recognize i should have stoped for a while to solve those problems...we can talk if you luck for you
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
1. Leave if you don't enjoy what your learning. . The more you enjoy it the funner & easier time you'll have. . 2. Don't stress over what has already happened. Only focus on what you can have an effect on. . It's not in what happens in life but how you deal with it. . 3. Being in a good mood before a test statisticly will rase your grade whether you know anymore or not.. 4. If it gets too bad seek help. 5. How to identify self defeating behavior so you can change it: When something happens we either attribute it to the external world or our personal selves. Lets say you get a good grade on a paper. You say "Thats because I am generally a smart person" or you say "The assignment itself was easy" Depressed people will attribute bad happenings with their internal self too much. When something good happens they say it's not because of them it's because of something external. You give the world a slant that feeds your habit of depression. Recognize this and practice doing the opposite even if it seems kinda artificial at first. I'm not saying to be goofy happy. Just be rational with yourself. Being happy is a skill and you can practice it. While your brain can effect your mood and subsequent actions, your actions can also effect the chemistry in your brain. Example: good body posture can trick your mind into thinking it is confident. . 6. Sleep . 7. DEVELOP HABITS
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
You can. That is what you have to just keep telling yourself. When the anxiety gets too bad, BREATHE!!! If you have healthcare then find out about talking to a professional. Antidepressants will help the depression better than anything. If you need medication for anxiety, that will help but the thing that helped me when I was in college was just to relax. Good luck! As my mom used to say, "this too shall pass".
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Take a deep breath, get on your knees and PRAY! Give your problems and worries up to God and He will fix everything. Once people realize that God is in control and not them, life gets sooooo much easier! Good luck sweetie and have faith!
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
What is the real problem here. . 1. Depression. 2. Financial Aid. . Now lets find a solution,. 1. Depression-Clinical Social Worker or counselor they have them available to you at college, at least they were where I went if not available see a Mental Health Care Provider they can help you deal with your problem.. . 2. Financial Aid-Skip the fall get a job save like crazy and go to a cheaper school in the spring or next fall.. . What ever you choose it will take some determination from you to make it happen.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Hi sweetie!. Sounds like you need some fun in your life! If it is because you have not a guy at the moment, be very compassionate and that will bring you one. If its because of money problems, Ask the Great Mother Goddess to help you with that! Best wishes darling! JoeyMars...
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
You need to contact your campus wellness or counseling office immediately - every school has one. If you are suffering from clinical depression, you will need someone to talk to, and you will need your school to understand your situation. In my experience, most of your financial aid can be gained back through appeals.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Ya need to realize that, unless you decide to go on the grad school, grades don't actually mean squat after you get the piece of paper. Find yourself a major that suits your psyche rather than thinking that crushing yourself to get through a tough program will help you be successful. Find college programs that fit you instead of trying to fit yourself to a stressful discipline. . . The best advice is: ROAD TRIP!
by (4.2k points)