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+44 votes
What do you mean by tsunami?
by (4.4k points)

3 Answers

+83 votes
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A tsunami (IPA pronunciation /suˈnɑːmi/ or /tsuˈnɑːmi/]) is a series of waves generated when water in a lake or the sea is rapidly displaced on a massive scale. Earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions and large meteorite impacts all have the potential to generate a tsunami. The effects of a tsunami can range from unnoticeable to devastating.
by (4.1k points)
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A big wave.................. (Try Google for a more detailed answer).
by (4.4k points)
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An ocean wave produced by a sub-marine earthquake, landslide, or volcanic eruption. These waves may reach enormous dimensions and have sufficient energy to travel across entire oceans.. . One or a series of huge sea waves caused by earthquakes or other large-scale disturbance of the ocean floor. (Referred to incorrectly by many as a tidal wave, but these waves have nothing to do with tides.) The word tsunami is Japanese, meaning "harbor wave.". A wave generated by seismic activity. Also called a seismic sea wave, or erroneously a tidal wave. Barely discernible in the open ocean, the amplitude of a tsunami may increase greatly as it approaches shallow coastal waters. They typically have periods greater than 10 minutes. Storm tide recorders along the Queensland coastline have detected the effects of events in Central and South America, and from the 2004 Asian Tsunami. More information on tsunamis can be found at http://ioc.unesco. .... . A tsunami (pronounced soo-nah-mee or tsoo-nah-mee [ IPA or ]) is a natural phenomenon consisting of a series of waves generated when water in a lake or the sea is rapidly displaced on a massive scale. Earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions and large meteorite impacts all have the potential to generate a tsunami. The effects of a tsunami can range from unnoticeable to devastation..
by (4.3k points)