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+89 votes
What should you do if a teacher gives you an unfair grade?
by (4.3k points)

6 Answers

+39 votes
Best answer
The best thing you can do is talk to your teacher about it. But be careful in choosing your words if you do. You don't want to sound accusatory. If you aren't comfortable talking to your teacher, talk to a teacher who you like or talk to the principal.
by (4.2k points)
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0 votes
Ask the teacher why he/she graded you that way. Maybe they can offer you some constructive criticism. If that doesnt qwell your frustration, than work on unloading your ego.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
There is probably a process at your school. Usually first you need to talk to the teacher, then the head of the department, then you can go to the dean of the college but I'd find out what that is. . . Talk to your teacher first, find out why you got the grade you did and let them know you're confused. Be open to listening to what they have to say and make sure you have some things to say about your progress in the class that will help support your disagreement. . . Above all, stay calm. As an educator and a student I know that sometimes we take things too personally. There are certain criteria that each student must meet to pass a class, maybe you did as well as you could but you just didn't get up to the level you needed to be at. Good luck
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
Ask for a second grader (a different teacher in your school). If you are having a problem with a teacher request a Mediation...lots of schools are going that route now...and if your school doesn't have a program there are often community mediation locations in the phone book (many will do it for free). that way it won't be a problem in the future either
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Talk to the teacher one on one. Don't be defensive, don't accuse her of grading unfairly, just very calmly ask her to explain your grade to you. Whatever you do, don't challenge her about it in front of the rest of class, that will just really piss her off. Good luck. I can't say for the teacher you've mentioned because I don't know that individual, but most of the time, teachers are willing to talk if you go about it the correct way. Good luck!
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
Despute the grade. If you feel that way, talk to the teacher and get her views on things.
by (4.2k points)