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+87 votes
What steps can one take to achieve success as a real estate agent?
by (4.4k points)

11 Answers

+43 votes
Best answer
Most real estate companies will do the training to help you be successful agent. Contact one of the big ones and see if they are interested in you, they will help you with training and license..
by (4.3k points)
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0 votes
I always followed two rules.. . 1. Remember who I am working for. Generally this means you are acting as an agent for the seller.. . 2. Always tell the whole truth.. . These two may lead to conflict but don't violate #2 just because you can see the $$$ floating ahead. Your broker/manager may also hate that 2nd rule and try to coerce you to just say nothing at times.. . BTW, I'm implicitly assuming you will NEVER engage in steering in any form.
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Read Dale Carnegie books. If you exude confidence buyers will be more content to purchase properties from you. Good luck
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
In order to be a successful real estate agent you must be able to market yourself continuously. . . You must be an expert in your area that you plan to work and develop a way to get referrals. . . I would start developing me a team first of all as well as develop me an area to work. Find an area that has at least 5000 homes so you can establish yourself, Make yourself enough flyers that introduce yourself as the new real estate agent for the area. You should do this for about 3 months to establish yourself. . . After that period you should send these same people a monthly newsletter containing information about real estate in their area. Tell them why they should contact you to sell their home and also why it is a good idea for them to use you to purchase their next home. Your team members should be able to contribute news items to your newsletter. You newsletter can be as short as one page or as large as you want it. . . You should be able to get the names of the owners of your area from your title rep.. . While doing this you should also be visiting the surrounding businessess to see if they will allow you to put your flyers in their shops. You can by the flyer holders at Staples or Office Depot or other stationary stores. They should be letter size so when you start your newsletter it will hold your newsletter.. . When doing your news letter you might ask the businessess that allow you to put your flyer in their shops or stores if they would like to advertise in your newsletter.. . Now about putting you a team together that will assist you in being successful. You will need a notary, title rep, escrow officer, appraiser, insurance agent, a loan officer or broker, CPA or tax preparer, attorney and whom ever else you think you want to place on your team. These team members should be willing to take your business cards and pass them out to people they meet that need your services and you should pass their cards out to people that need their services that you meet.. . Your team members should be willing to help you hold first time home buyers seminars and do other things to help you and them be successful. . . Doing all this will not be an easy chore,but if you do you will reap the rewards down the line. When you are not doing anything in the office you should be in your neighborhood talking with your shop owners or with the people living in your area delivering welcome packages.. . Make a welcome package for those that purchase homes and move into your area. Check with Home Depot, Lowes, and other companies willing to give you coupons, include a change of address form from the post office along with your business card.. . Checking on the homes that went into foreclosure to find out how you can be of service.. . I hope this has been of some use to you, good luck.. . "FIGHT ON"
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
You need to become licensed in your state. In my state this is a week long class.. . Then you'll probably want to work in an established office. Shop around since different franchises offer different deals. You may get smaller/larger commissions. You may need to pay for part or all of your advertising. . . Expect to work long hours, especially weekends and evenings. . . You must be a very patient person. Don't be suprised if some buyers look at houses for weeks and weeks. . . You must love people. Be an outgoing people person. Network with others.
by (4.3k points)
0 votes
You need to have a good network of people from loan officers, who will refer you, and other agents who can give you the inside scoop.
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
Work as a buyer' agent. contact me I am a mortgage concultant, I will prequalify all your buyers, and we'll. create success, together. My company is a direct lender has 150 investors, and does every thing from A paper to sub prime. we colse 50% of all loans we originate. send me an E mail and lets do business
by (4.4k points)
0 votes
Build a network of professionals to refer business to and from.. . Study your market area and know it inside and out.. . Get with a more experienced agent that is willing to help train and guide you.. . INTEGRITY above all else, you please a person, they will tell 2-5 people of the great job you did, you displease that same person, it's proven they will be sure to tell 20+ others how bad you are.. . Work hard, perseverence, and dedication to providing great customer service.
by (4.5k points)
0 votes
To become a successful real estate agent please do the following:. . 1) Have a portal developed by any professional web development company say . 2) Have a referral programme by giving coupons to the customers.. . say - Customer 1 comes. . pays X -USD. . 10 coupons are given to him each containing the name address and phone no. email and website address of the real estate agent.. . The cutomer is given a surprise gift if he passes on the coupons to prospective customers.. . 3) E-mail promotion to various e-mail directorie through bulk mailing software. . . 4) Real estate events/fairs are to be arranged.. . 5) Tie ups with banks to be done to recommend customers on mutual revenue sharing/profit sharing basis.. . Thanks. . Rana. [email protected]
by (4.2k points)
0 votes
to be successful in any job you must put your heart into it and believe you are the best and be able to prove it
by (4.4k points)